• Resolved awesomeflyingdude


    Hi – I’m having a strange issue on a newly launched site. I have two registration forms – one is an application for potential new members, the other is a form for current members of the organization to register on the new site. The current member form is basically the same as the application, minus a few fields. I successfully tested both on a staging site – now the New Member Application (NMA) still works fine, but the Current Member Registration (CMR) just refreshes the page when “Register” is clicked.

    Here are the troubleshooting steps I’ve tried so far:
    – Disabled ReCaptcha on the form itself and completely in UM settings (the NMA still has it enabled)
    – Disabled the Privacy Policy acceptance on the form (NMA has it enabled)
    – Disabled cache on login and both registration forms
    – Enabled debug logs
    – Once a debug log plugin was activated I received this error:

    Undefined array key "user_password"
    Line : 277

    so I added a password field and tried again, it still just refreshed the page
    – There are no errors at all in the developer console
    – Changed the “Register Page” in UM Settings to the CMR page instead of NMA
    – Turned off “custom settings” on the form

    I was first made aware of this by multiple users who reported this behavior. I’m quite perplexed given that the other, more complex NMA form is still working. Any ideas for what to try next? Thanks so much!

    My install info is below:

    ### Begin Install Info ###
    ## Please include this information when posting support requests ##
    --- Site Info ---
    Site URL:					https://rotaractbhm.org
    Home URL:					https://rotaractbhm.org
    Multisite:					No
    --- Hosting Provider ---
    Host:						DBH: mysql.rotaractbhm.org, SRV: rotaractbhm.org
    --- User Browser ---
    Platform:                 Windows 
    Browser Name:             Chrome  
    Browser Version:          103.0.5060.66 
    User Agent String:        Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Wi 
    			  n64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KH
                              TML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.50
                              60.66 Safari/537.36
    ---- Current User Details --
    Role: administrator
    --- WordPress Configurations ---
    Version:						6.0
    Language:					en_US
    Permalink Structure:			/%postname%/
    Active Theme:				Themify Ultra Child 5.2.0
    Page On Front:				Home (#728)
    Page For Posts:				 (#0)
    ABSPATH:					/home/dh_xfay82/rotaractbhm.org/
    All Posts/Pages:				33
    WP Remote Post:           		wp_remote_post() works
    WP_DEBUG:                 			Enabled
    WP Table Prefix:          			Length: 14, Status: Acceptable
    Memory Limit:   				40MB
    --- UM Configurations ---
    Version:						2.4.1
    Upgraded From:            		2.4.0
    Current URL Method:			
    Cache User Profile:			Yes
    Generate Slugs on Directories:	Yes
    Force UTF-8 Encoding: 		No
    JS/CSS Compression: 			Yes
    Port Forwarding in URL: 		No
    Exclude CSS/JS on Home: 		No
    --- UM Pages Configuration ---
    User:						https://rotaractbhm.org/user/
    Account:						https://rotaractbhm.org/account/
    Members:					https://rotaractbhm.org/members/
    Register:						https://rotaractbhm.org/current-member-registration/
    Login:						https://rotaractbhm.org/login/
    Logout:						https://rotaractbhm.org/logout/
    Password Reset:				https://rotaractbhm.org/password-reset/
    --- UM Users Configuration ---
    Default New User Role: 		0
    Profile Permalink Base:		user_login
    User Display Name:			full_name
    Force Name to Uppercase:		No
    Redirect author to profile: 		Yes
    Enable Members Directory:	Yes
    Use Gravatars: 				No
    Require a strong password: 	On
    --- UM Access Configuration ---
    Panic Key: 								
    Global Site Access:						Site accessible to Everyone
    Backend Login Screen for Guests:			No
    Redirect to alternative login page:			
    Backend Register Screen for Guests:		No
    Redirect to alternative register page:		
    Access Control widget for Admins only: 		No
    Enable the Reset Password Limit:			Yes
    Reset Password Limit: 5Disable Reset Password Limit for Admins: No
    Blacklist Words: 							5
    --- UM Email Configurations ---
    Mail appears from:  			Rotaract Club of Birmingham
    Mail appears from address:  	[email protected]
    Use HTML for E-mails:   		Yes
    Account Welcome Email:  		Yes
    Account Activation Email:   	Yes
    Pending Review Email:   		Yes
    Account Approved Email: 		Yes
    Account Rejected Email: 		Yes
    Account Deactivated Email:  	No
    Account Deleted Email:  		No
    Password Reset Email:   		Yes
    Password Changed Email: 		Yes
    --- UM Total Users ---
    				All Users(11)
    --- UM Roles ---
    				Administrator (administrator)
    Editor (editor)
    Author (author)
    Contributor (contributor)
    Subscriber (subscriber)
    Ex-Member (um_ex-member)
    Customer (customer)
    Shop manager (shop_manager)
    Member - Not in Good Standing (um_member-not-in-good-standing)
    Member - In Good Standing (um_member-in-good-standing)
    Translator (translator)
    --- UM Custom Templates ---
    --- UM Email HTML Templates ---
    --- Web Server Configurations ---
    PHP Version:              			8.0.2
    MySQL Version:            			8.0.28
    Web Server Info:          			Apache
    --- PHP Configurations ---
    PHP Memory Limit:         			256M
    PHP Upload Max Size:      			800M
    PHP Post Max Size:        			850M
    PHP Upload Max Filesize:  			800M
    PHP Time Limit:           			8800
    PHP Max Input Vars:       			1000
    PHP Arg Separator:        			&
    PHP Allow URL File Open:  			Yes
    --- Web Server Extensions/Modules ---
    DISPLAY ERRORS:           			On (1)
    FSOCKOPEN:                			Your server supports fsockopen.
    cURL:                     			Your server supports cURL.
    SOAP Client:              			Your server has the SOAP Client enabled.
    SUHOSIN:                  			Your server does not have SUHOSIN installed.
    GD Library:               			PHP GD library is installed on your web server.
    Mail:                     			PHP mail function exist on your web server.
    Exif:				          PHP Exif library is installed on your web server.
    --- Session Configurations ---
    Session:                  			Disabled
    Session Name:             			PHPSESSID
    Cookie Path:              			/
    Save Path:                			/tmp
    Use Cookies:              			On
    Use Only Cookies:         			On
    --- WordPress Active Plugins ---
    				Builder Contact: 2.2.1
    Builder Slider Pro: 2.1.4
    Builder Timeline: 2.0.2
    Code Snippets: 3.1.1
    Custom Start Date For WooCommerce Subscriptions: 1.1.9
    Debug Log - Config Tool: 1.0.0
    DreamHost Panel Login: 1.0.0
    Email Address Encoder: 1.0.22
    Event Tickets: 5.4.1
    Import and export users and customers:
    Jetpack: 11.0
    Loco Translate: 2.6.2
    Rollback Update Failure: 3.1.0
    Sucuri Security - Auditing, Malware Scanner and Hardening: 1.8.31
    The Events Calendar:
    Themify Popup: 1.3.5
    Themify Updater: 1.3.9
    Ultimate Member: 2.4.1
    Ultimate Member - reCAPTCHA: 2.3.1
    Ultimate Member - WooCommerce: 2.3.0
    Widget Shortcode: 0.3.5
    WooCommerce: 6.6.1
    WooCommerce Payments: 4.3.0
    WooCommerce Subscriptions: 4.0.2
    ### End Install Info ###

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter awesomeflyingdude


    Also, both forms set the user to the same UM role: Member – Not in Good Standing
    The pages are basically identical in the backend (I just confirmed): they just have the shortcode in the basic WordPress Shortcode block, neither are within my page builder section. And the settings are exactly the same.

    I also made a new page and duplicated the CMR form and added the new ID to the shortcode and it’s still doing the same thing – the page just refreshes, all the input data (other than password after I added that) still visible, and no error message at all.


    Increase PHP Max Input Vars to at least 5000 maybe even more
    Increase Memory Limit to 64MB

    Thread Starter awesomeflyingdude


    Thanks for the reply @missveronicatv ! I increased those values in both .htaccess and then wp-config.php, but it had no impact. I doubted it was related to those values given that the NMA form is longer and includes multiple file upload fields and still works fine.


    Recommended value for PHP Max Input Vars is 3000 and you had a lower value.

    Do you have any web hosting security software installed like “Mod Security”?

    You can disable this via your cPanel or contact your hosting support and ask them to disable “Mod Security” for the UM Pages.

    Have you tried to use an older version of PHP like 7.4?

    Thread Starter awesomeflyingdude


    I tried using 10000 instead of 5000 with no success. I think DreamHost does have Mod Security, but from what I’ve found, they won’t let you turn it off. I’m still confused how something like that would be a problem when one of my registration (the longer and more complex one) is working fine. The form that doesn’t work has the same exact fields as the one that is working – the working one just has additional fields too.

    I also disabled my Sucuri plugin, but that didn’t help either.


    Ask your web hosting support if you get any error messages from “Mod Security”.

    I tried to do a dummy registration and after submitting the Registration form I got all the fields recreated without an error message.

    The two password fields were replaced by the first password field now as the last field at the bottom of the Registration form after “T-Shirt Size”.

    You have an UM Forms designer issue with the password fields.


    Your Registration page is cached by Cloudflare?

    Thread Starter awesomeflyingdude


    I disabled “Mod Security” and that still didn’t help.

    Regarding the password field(s), I initially didn’t have them, but then got an error that the password field was undefined, so I added it in there, took it away, then added it back to the bottom.

    I guess something with that particular form has some database error or something. When I duplicated the form and tried it on a new page, I was having the same issue. I just made a new form duplicated and modified from the working form and placed it on a new page and now it’s working (even though all fields are identical to malfunctioning form). Still not sure what the issue was, but it’s all working as it should now. Thanks for the help!

    Plugin Support Ultimate Member Support


    Thanks for letting us know how you’ve resolved the issue. Please feel free to create a new topic if you encounter the same issue so we can look into it.

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