Hi Josh!
You Are Welcome, Kindly! … And Thank You for Your Response!
I’ve been involved in massage therapy school 50 to 60 hours per week (including travel time) since this past June, so I’ve not had too much attention on WordPress, but am now (hopefully) getting back into that groove (creating content) as I near graduation.
So I’m not sure what, if anything, is missing in your plugin, but I will certainly pay attention more closely. I’m not exactly a Power User! I recently built a couple websites for a guy, and I installed the free version of WP Edit for him, but it would make more sense for him to buy your plugin rather than me get a Developer license as this point.
If it’s any help in your market research, I am an avid user of Squirrly from FastSpring. It’s a very comprehensive assistant for fine tuning content for Google, SEO, end-user experience, etc. Neil Patel (Kissmetrics) is a major Content Marketing guy, and very successful, and highly recommends Squirrly.
I’m always looking for connections between things most people don’t notice, and so I’ll see what I can figure out there about workflow possibilities between WP Edit and Squirrly, if any.
I don’t know if there is any interface potential there, or if the issue has ever come up at your end, but Squirrly is my MOST used plugin, accounting for the fact that WP Edit runs so seamlessly I don’t really notice it anymore. But if a lot of people get on board with Squirrly, and there is anything you can do to interface with their plugin, that would be very interesting, I think
I do know, however, that I was in the past paying $5 per month for some kind of membership at your website, but PayPal got hacked and reissued new debit cards to a bunch of us. I’m embarrassed to admit I did not think of WP Edit in updating payment details, and I realized a little while back I was no longer being charged monthly for your membership. AND, when I went to your site to try and remember what the $5 member level was for, I could find nothing. Maybe it was a special deal?
I did pay $17.50 for a basic, annual level, too. But my membership is inactive now, as my annual membership ran out 10 days ago, ironically. So I was not able to get into the member area to see what’s going on there. I’ll re-enroll as soon as I get more money into PayPal.
OKAY, that’s probably a longer post than you wanted to read, so sorry about that.
Thanks Again, Josh, and Take Care,