Hi nanacss,
the meta tag
<meta name=”viewport” id=”iphone-viewport” content=”width=350″ />
only tells the page that on an iphone the browser width is 350pixel. the effect of this is that all the posts are lined up in a SINGLE column – which makes them better to read.
the tanzaku homepage uses this technique!
you can use it or not, as you like.
the second thing ( problem not showing single posts ) is NOT appearing on the tanzaku page (www.tripleships.com). if you look at categories -> print, you can see that it does show a single post with no problem.
so I compared the source of https://www.tripleships.com to my own install of tanzaku.
I found that they are using the “jquery.vgrid.0.1.2-mod.js” and not the “jquery.vgrid.0.1.4-mod.js” that my normal installation is using.
then I downloaded their version (jquery.vgrid.0.1.2-mod.js) and used it in my tanzaku – and now my tanzaku is showing single posts too!
that’s all.
in case you don’t know exactly how to exchange the jquery.vgrid – I can give you a detailed instruction. ( sorry, but I don’t know the level of your skills…)