Hi @agencia221b
I hope you’re well today!
I think this code should work for you:
Would you give it a try?
To add it to the site:
1. create an empty file with a .php extension (e.g. “formiantor-unique-number-registration.php”)
2. copy and paste code into it and modify it
a) in this line replace numbers with a number ID of your form (the number that you see in form’s shortocde)
$your_list_forms = [123,456];
b) in this line set an ID of the filed that contains the CPF on fhe form; it’d be probably text-1 but check it in form editor (replace email-1 with your field ID)
$your_unique_field_name = 'email-1';
c) in this line set your error message text
$your_error_msg = 'The email already sumitted';
3. save the file and upload it to the “/wp-content/mu-plugins” folder of your site’s WordPress installation
It should work out of the box.
Best regards,