1) What is the procedure for migration and transferring subscribers from OneSignal?
2) How to display prompt after X pageviews? For OneSignal using the following code:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { window.OneSignal = window.OneSignal || []; var numVisitsTrigger = 3; /* Number of page visits before prompting user */ window.OneSignal.push(function() { var numVisits = new Number(localStorage['numVisitsTrigger'] || 0); numVisits += 1; localStorage['numVisitsTrigger'] = numVisits; if (numVisits >= numVisitsTrigger) { promptAndSubscribeUser(); } }); function promptAndSubscribeUser() { window.OneSignal.isPushNotificationsEnabled(function(isEnabled) { if (!isEnabled) { // Show Slide Prompt window.OneSignal.showSlidedownPrompt(); } }); } });
3) Cannot find OneSignal alternative for sending notifications to mobile apps. Wondering is it possible to integrate two plugins?
Your plugin can detect if OneSignal’s plugin is installed:
– If “Send notifications additionally to iOS & Android platforms” option is disabled then explain the user to remove such plugin.
– If such option is enabled then disable their web push functionality and prompts, so your plugin displays prompts and sends web push notifications and OneSignal keeps sending mobile apps notifications.4) Is it possible to customize prompt to display look more like OneSignal’s: thanks.
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