• Halo mas

    • What is the current version of WordPress that you are using? 6.2.2
    • What is the current version of WooCommerce that you are using? 7.7.0
    • What is the name and version of the theme that you are using? generatepress
    • What is the version of Woongkir that you have installed? 1.3.8
    • Please provide us with a step-by-step explanation of how to reproduce the issue you are encountering. Lakukan pembelian sampai ke halaman checkout, setelah pilih alamat, ongkos kirim tidak tampil. jika dicheck inspect element, shipping_method tidak ada
    • What were the expected results when performing the steps above? Ongkos kirim tampil

    tolong dicek mas

    Terima kasih

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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