• DigitalFrontiersConsulting


    I would like to add an order form to my website that has the following items and properties in a single line. I would like it to be a “line item” situation where if the client completes a line item, then the next line item shows up.

    Layout (dropdown), Font (dropdown], Color (dropdown), Copy (type box), Notes (type box), Rush (dropdown), QTY (type box), Subtotal (multiple of Layout selection and Qty type box; final total including tax of the project.

    I have tried: Contacat Forms 7, Custom Contact Forms, Formidable, and Ninja. I am a total noob and I don’t know CSS at all.

    Q: What is the best Plug-In for accomplishing a 6-8 column order table with a “Submit “button at the bottom?

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