• Resolved tech55541


    I am building a custom profile solution. I would like to pick where people can enable the fonts based on their roles. For example, subscribers are not allowed in the dashboard, so why should it give them an option to use in the dashboard? It should not, it should be removed for the subscriber role and only show to people that have access to the dashboard.
    Can you help me accomplish this?

    Thanks, awesome plugin by the way.


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  • Plugin Author 120w


    I’m sure we can make that work.

    Would it be sufficient to simply disallow subscribers access to the plugin settings or do you need to specify access on a more complicated per role base?

    Thread Starter tech55541


    I want subscribers to have access, this is my effort to make a website that is accessible to all, we just need to find a way to remove some options for certain user roles.

    Plugin Author 120w


    A plugin like Adminize could help you with enabling/disabling (parts of) the dashboard based on user role: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/adminimize/

    Thread Starter tech55541


    None of my members are in the dashboard though, it is all on the front end. With custom profiles.

    Plugin Author 120w


    Ah, so what you need is something you can put in the custom profile.

    The plugin stores it’s setting in user_meta key ‘use_opendyslexic’ the accepted values are:
    ‘no’ (font disabled)
    ‘yes_everywhere’ (font enabled everywhere for this user)
    ‘yes_websiteonly’ (font enabled only on the website for this user)
    ‘yes_adminonly’ (font enabled only on the admin for this user)

    I’m sure you can create something on your frontend to update/change this user_meta key accordingly (if not check https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/9775/how-to-edit-a-user-profile-on-the-front-end for details of changing user_meta data from the frontend).

    (I suppose for your frontend only usage the ‘yes_adminonly’ setting won’t be very useful and I would just use the first two values for enabling/disabling the plugin for users.)

    Thread Starter tech55541


    I am building this solution with the below plugin.

    I do not know how to do what you explained above, can you guide me anymore with this?

    Plugin Author 120w


    I did not know that particular plugin, but I have installed and tested it.
    If you create a blank page on your site, say ‘profile’ and insert the shortcode [PROFILE_FORM] on that page, users can change the font settings (and certain other rudimentary profile settings, which, if wanted, you apparently can hide using this trick from the Frontend Edit Profile support forums: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-frontend-edit-profile-how-to-remove-unwanted-profiel-fields?replies=3 ).

    For more details on the FEP plugin you should check their support forum.

    Thread Starter tech55541


    Thanks, might want to take this in to consideration for a future version though. Create a settings page.

    Plugin Author 120w


    You’re welcome. Thanks for your suggestion, noted on the to do list ??

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