Thanks for your thoughts about the Wordfence Login Security plugin.
While I understand you might have been frustrated, what you wrote isn’t true. As you can see on the documentation page and linked to in the plugin as well, on the Wordfence Login Security > Settings page of your site where it says “Enable 2FA for these roles” you can pick and choose which roles you want to be able to enable 2FA for themselves. The Administrator role is defaulted and cannot be unselected. Every other WordPress role (Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber) can be selected, thus giving those roles the ability to set up 2FA for themselves. Further, other role types get added to the list you can select based on the plugins you have, like the BackWPup Admin role or Customer role if you use a shop plugin. The only requirement is that you enabled that role to use 2FA and that the user is logging into the WordPress backend (customer portals are currently not supported but are on the list of features coming in a future release).
If you are still using the plugin feel free to reach out to us by posting in the support forum for this plugin when you have an issue. We have paid and trained staff that would have been happy to point you to the documentation page that shows how to do what you wanted.