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  • Plugin Author Evan Herman


    Hi Johannv,

    That does not sound like it is working as intended. You should be able to scroll down and select all of the available icons in the font awesome font family.

    You may have a javascript error on the page or something that is preventing the drop down from working properly.

    Give this a look over and see if you can spot any errors and we can work from there.

    Thanks, Evan

    Plugin Author Evan Herman


    Closing due to inactivity. If you still have issues feel free to comment here.

    Evan, I’m having the EXACT same issue as this member, i.e. ONLY ONE icon shows in the Drop down list for “Default icon.”.

    At first I thought it was the Theme I was using “Optimize Press”.

    However, after sending a support ticket to them, here is the response I received …


    “Hi Harj,

    This is something we would suggest reaching out to the plugin author for as they would need to provide support for their plugin. I have checked this for you and even when the default WP theme is active it doesn’t work, so this means that OptimizePress is not causing the issue on the site.

    While we would love to be able to offer support for 3rd party plugins, but it would be very difficult for us as we didn’t develop the plugin and wouldn’t be able to solve the problem unless it is being caused by OptimizePress which if it were, we would be more than glad to help further.

    Please let us know if you need anything else and we’ll be happy to help

    Kind Regards,


    OptimizePress Support Team


    Would be great to use the Pro version but right now the free one is not working for me.

    Any ideas would be much appreciated because I really love this plugin.


    Plugin Author Evan Herman


    Hi hg98,

    Can you contact me through the contact form I my site. I’d love to take a look into what the issue may be. It sounds like some sort of conflict somewhere, possibly with another plugin.

    I’m curious as to what it may be and would like to push out an update to iron out the issue for you and others facing similar issues.


    Sure thing Evan … would love to help in any way I can.

    I’ve looked at other Timeline plugins and yours is by far “THE” best.

    Can you please give me a link to the contact form on your site?

    Cheers mate.

    Hello again Evan.

    As per your request, I sent you an eMail re: this issue via the “Contact Us” form on your website … … 3-days ago.

    Is that where I should have sent it as I have not heard back from you?



    Hey Evan … I sent you the details you requested back in July 15, 2015.

    Wonder if you had a chance to take a look at the Java script conflict when using Optimize Press.

    Would really appreciate an update.


    So are you ever going to provide a solution ?

    Plugin Author Evan Herman


    I attempted to respond to your email once, but it was bounced.

    I just sent another email.

    I am currently backed up with premium support requests, so as time permits I will look into the issue for you. Please respond to my email if you receive it.

    If not, you may have provided an incorrect email when you contacted me initially.


    hello Evan, thanks for your cool plug-in, the best I’ve found for WP to meet my expectations.
    However, I’ve the same problem that the one described above : no possibilty to chose other icon ; the drop down menu with other icon doesn’t work, whatever the browser.
    Dis you fidn a solution ?
    Thank you very much for helping

    same here. can you PLEASE post a fix?

    Plugin Author Evan Herman



    Unfortunately there is no universal fix. The issue is there is some sort of js conflict with either your theme or another plugin.

    You can try temporarily switching themes and checking again. If the issue is gone then something with your theme is conflicting with the plugin.

    If that doesn’t work you can do the same with the other plugins you have installed.

    Temporarily deactivating plugins or switching themes should have no adverse effect on the current state of your site. Once you re-activate your plugins and switch back to the current theme the site should be back to how it is now.

    You can also try and check for any javascript errors using your browser:

    There are some helpful tips in that article linked above.


    Hi, thanks for plugin. Just so you know, I have the exact same issue.
    Deactivating the following plugin makes the icons dropdown work again.

    Did not look further but I think it has something to do with bootstrap css classes.

    Plugin Author Evan Herman



    I can take a look at what might be going on. Thanks for reporting a conflict. It may have to do with the CSS class. I haven’t ever used that plugin, so I’m not sure why they would be enqueueing scripts and styles in the dashboard when Bootstrap is used on the frontend.


    Dear Evan

    I Had this problem with Firefox browser but by changing the browser to Chrome, Problem Solved. Thanks for your useful Plugin.

    Best Regards

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