Thank you. It looks like even with W3 disabled, the site is still using it’s cache (see html source: I know W3 total cache adds a constant within the wp-config.php file that is only removed if the plugin is fully deleted. That may be the case with the cache as well. Here’s a thread referencing this:
I’m not sure of the best way to get rid of the cache while not deleting W3 total cache… Possibly manually removing the WP_CACHE constant and also manually deleting the cache folder via FTP in the wp-content directory. It’s a bit of a pain (I’m not a big fan of W3 total cache… it’s overly complicated).
I did find the settings for minifying and it’s located Performance > Minify and make sure JS minify settings is disabled.
If minifying isn’t enabled and this isn’t the issue, which it may not… When I view the source in the developer tools it actually doesn’t look like scripts are combined. But, I do see “defer” on every javascript file, which could be the issue. In order to check this out, I found this article: and scroll down to “Defer Parsing of JavaScript with W3 Total Cache Plugin”. This provides the steps to defer scripts, so you’ll need to use this to do the opposite and not defer scripts.
Let me know if this helps.