Hi @splendidangst ,
Hope you are doing well.
Please check the following steps to get rid of this issue:
> Memory limit
This is normally caused due to a website having low memory. You can check your memory limit by navigating to wp-admin -> Elementor -> System Info. Check out this screenshot: https://d.pr/i/MHHWa8
You can install this following plugin on your website to take care of this: Please check this screenshot
If that doesn’t work, make sure to increase the memory limit. To increase the memory limit you will have to modify the wp-config.php file of yours. Just above this line ” /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */” add this following line of code:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M');
You would find the wp-config.php file under your WordPress directory.
You can also read this blog to modify the wp-config.php file: https://wpdeveloper.com/troubleshoot-preview-loading-error-elementor/
If that doesn’t work, please deactivate the Essential Addons elements you are not using especially the Dynamic Elements.
> Plugin conflict
You can check for Plugin conflicts by deactivating all the third-party plugins one by one except for Elementor and Essential Addons. Simply go to your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to wp-admin -> Plugins and then, deactivate other Plugins.
Besides, you can switch to a different theme like Astra, Flexia or Twenty Twenty. And, check back as well.
Let me know how it goes.
Thank you!