• Thank is advance for the assistance of each. My website is https://thessdreview.com and , if you look at the ‘Daily News’ category, all posts open in excerpts.

    For that specific category, I want the post to always open in full with all others in excerpts or not visible as I am restructuring news story publication.

    Can anyone assist?

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  • Hi, you would need to create a new template for that category, call it category-YOURCATID.php this template would be a copy of the template currently used, which is probably category.php, or if not archive.php

    Then in your new template find where it says ‘the_excerpt()’ and replace with ‘the-content’.

    hope this helps?

    Thread Starter thessdreview


    Gimme five and we will try this out tx!

    Thread Starter thessdreview


    Wait…how then do I direct that specific category to be read by that php file? Does it happen automatically?

    Thread Starter thessdreview


    no go… I use flexitheme which uses the archive and that is not there…thoughts? Here is the code…

    [code moderated - please follow the forum guidelines for posting code]

    Looking at that there should be a file called loop-categories.php in your template folder? and in that you should find the_excerpt, we could add a conditional statement, something like:

    if (is_category( '327' )) {
    } else {

    which asks if the category we are viewing is category with id 327, if so we display the content, if not we display the excerpt.

    I hope this helps?

    Thread Starter thessdreview


    no such luck…put it here and nothing:


    I dont get how to get this in properly but that didnt work at all

    Thread Starter thessdreview


    The next question I will then have is whether that will show full content of ALL of my category posts. This would be pretty long of a page. If we can figure that out can we then adjust so JUST that first post is full content?

    Thread Starter thessdreview


    Oooops I apologize for the long code and dont understand what I should put it in.

    Thread Starter thessdreview


    I am going to bet what I want to do is in here somewhere right???

    <?php if($theme->display('categories', $get_post_elements) || $theme->display('tags', $get_post_elements))  { ?>
                            <div class="postmeta-secondary">
                                <?php if($theme->display('categories', $get_post_elements)) {
                                    ?><span class="meta_categories"><?php _e( 'Posted in:', 'flexithemes' ); ?>  <?php the_category(', '); ?></span><?php
                                } if($theme->display('tags', $get_post_elements)) {
                                    if(get_the_tags()) {
                                        ?> ? <span class="meta_tags"><?php the_tags(__( 'Tags:', 'flexithemes') . ' ', ', ', ''); ?></span><?php

    [Please post code snippets between backticks or use the code button.]

    Take out what I told you to put in and from line 51 – 55 replace with this

    if (is_category( '327' )) {
    } else if($theme->get_option($theme->options['template_part'] . '_content_display') == 'excerpts') {
      echo '<p>' . $theme->shorten(get_the_excerpt(),$theme->get_option($theme->options['template_part'] . '_excerpts_length')) . '</p>';
    } else {

    If this doesn’t work you may be best off asking the theme developers as it looks like the theme has quite a lot of custom options including excerpt display and length.

    Thread Starter thessdreview


    Got er fixed EXACTLY as I wanted. Thank you for your help!
    Full content
    2 Posts


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