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  • For me not even facebook debug works anymore. I debug the link it shows the correct info but then when i go to share it on my page it just shows random thumbnails like i didnt even use the debug tool

    And yet, when I go over to the FB Dev, they say that we have to state the image:og w and h tags. They insist that’s the issue, but people are still having trouble. I guess I should count myself lucky that my scrapes are still producing acceptable results. Sigh, this is frustrating to say the least and it’s got to be frustrating for the plug in developers who have been left in the lurch with this change from FB.

    i dont even know how to that og thing because i do get a warning about that..

    I noticed that if I take out the shortlink made by jetpack and replace it with the longer permalink in the facebook post, then go to refresh attachment, it works fine each time. The shortlink ( never picks up the featured image, it just wants to pull the websites logo or the background of the website, which neither look good on their own. This is the only workaround I have found for now until this is fixed.

    Some of us aren’t using Jetpack though, and still are having the issues too. I’ve resorted to FB scraping the short/permalink and the longer URL to insure that the image shows as intended. Maybe that’s what FB wants, no auto posting, who the heck knows at this point.

    Just was an observation, as no one has said what other plugins they are using along with WordPress SEO (everyone’s configurations are different, which we forget at times when it comes to solving these problems).

    As previously mentioned, the official facebook plugin works fine but is not up to date (or ever going to be again).

    +1 on fb of issues on yoasted sites
    Attempt to use another plugin to do the job and yoast won’t stop screaming. a real squeaky wheel.

    Same here. Post doesn’t get the correct image, o none image is taken whe shared.

    Works in debugger, but I have to debug the Url several times to work.

    did anyone manage to solve it?

    I had to turn off “Add Open Graph meta data” and go with another plugin (Facebook Thumb Fixer).

    Facebook use to have an image limit of 200×200 pixels. Facebook Thumb Fixer tells me this if I try to use an image smaller than 600 x 315

    Example warning:
    “Your featured image dimensions are 418 x 200 which is smaller than the minimum 600 x 315 recommended by Facebook.”

    My image size 418 x 200 still picks up on facebook.

    I have mentioned this a few times but not sure if this is the temporary fix everybody needs. Haven’t tried anything else. Facebook changed things at the end of April which is why everyone is having problems with this plugin and nothing has been addressed/fixed since.

    Stephen, that sounds like an issue to post on the Facebook Thumb Fixer support page.

    I was stating that information because it has a lot to do with what could be wrong with this plugin since it has not been updated. I also posted the information for those who need a fix immediately and not later down the road.

    I found the answer over here — Do this:

    Go to Settings –> Permalinks (/wp-admin/options-permalink.php)
    Then remove the trailing “/” after your permalink. For example, turn:

    Save it. Then go have a glass of wine to reward a job well done.

    @csstanton THUMBS UP!

    @csstanton I’ve been looking for a solution to this annoying issue for a VERY long time. Thank you.

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