Hello @linsms,
You have to change code in plugin’s file js/eml-media-uploader.js
Replace whole media.view.AttachmentFilters.Taxonomy function (line 8) with following code (new version of the plugin will also work this way, so you can upgrade it in due time):
// Taxonomy AttachmentFilters
media.view.AttachmentFilters.Taxonomy = media.view.AttachmentFilters.extend({
tagName: 'select',
createFilters: function() {
var filters = {};
var that = this;
_.each( that.options.termList || {}, function( term, key ) {
var term_id = term['term_id'];
var term_name = $("<div/>").html(term['term_name']).text();
filters[ term_id ] = {
text: term_name,
priority: key+2
filters[term_id]['props'] = {};
filters[term_id]['props'][that.options.taxonomy] = term_id;
filters.all = {
text: that.options.termListTitle,
priority: 1
filters['all']['props'] = {};
filters['all']['props'][that.options.taxonomy] = 0;
this.filters = filters;
Also add something like this in your js:
wp.media.editor.open( 'test_id' );
You have to replace media_category with your taxonomy name, and 4 with ID of its term.
It’s not a perfect solution, but it works right now.