open_basedir problem
I uploaded and installed WP on my web account at a free web space provider. Each installation steps were done correctly, and the login page also came along. I entered admin and the generated password to get this error message:
Warning: main(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(../wp-config.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (.) in /disk/raid0/g/i/giros/wp-admin/index.php on line 3
I suppose it is because open_basedir is set to . in the PHP settings, and the 3rd line in that index.php is
So it tries to require a file outside it’s own directory, but it is not possible because of the open_basedir restriction. Unfortunately I can’t change the open_basedir because as I mentioned this is a free web space provider, and I am not allowed to change the PHP settings on the server. Any idea about what else could I do to make WP work would be very appreciated.
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