Opening widget link on a new tab/page.
Hi everyone,
I wanted the links on my widgets to open in a new tab. My website is and here’s the CSS code for the widgets.
I’m not sure where to add the “target=_blank” in this code:
#home-page-widgets {
padding: 60px 0 40px;
background: #F7F7F7; }
@media (max-width: 768px) {
#home-page-widgets {
margin: 0; } }.home-widget {
margin: 0 0 30px;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 1.6;
text-align: center; }
.home-widget img {
margin-top: 0; }.home-widget-title {
margin-bottom: 15px;
font-size: 24px; }
.home-widget-title a {
text-decoration: none; }.bavotasan_custom_text_widget {
text-align: center; }
.bavotasan_custom_text_widget i {
-moz-border-radius: 2em;
-webkit-border-radius: 2em;
border-radius: 2em;
font-size: 40px;
line-height: 130px;
width: 130px;
height: 130px;
margin: 0 auto 30px;
display: block;
border: 3px solid; }
.bavotasan_custom_text_widget i.default {
color: #ccc;
border-color: #ccc; }
.bavotasan_custom_text_widget {
color: #5cbde0;
border-color: #5cbde0; }
.bavotasan_custom_text_widget i.primary {
color: #428bca;
border-color: #428bca; }
.bavotasan_custom_text_widget i.danger {
color: #d9534f;
border-color: #d9534f; }
.bavotasan_custom_text_widget i.warning {
color: #f0ad4e;
border-color: #f0ad4e; }
.bavotasan_custom_text_widget i.success {
color: #5cb85c;
border-color: #5cb85c; }
.bavotasan_custom_text_widget a:hover {
text-decoration: none; }
.bavotasan_custom_text_widget .btn, .bavotasan_custom_text_widget .comment-reply-link,
.bavotasan_custom_text_widget .form-submit #submit,
.form-submit .bavotasan_custom_text_widget #submit {
margin-top: 20px; }
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