• So the Batch Categories plug-in that everyone suggests is nice but it seems to have a few major flaws … or I am just missing something.

    First off, how can you just scan through existing posts and change stuff. Seems you HAVE to search for a keyword or tag.

    Say you do search for a keyword you might have 1000 returns but only see 15 results. Take this for example:

    Looked for posts in any category, tagged with any tag, containing the string avid, ordered by date posted descending. Found 147 posts; displaying 15 per page.

    That’s great but once I adjust the first 15 that it found how do I then move on to the next page of 15? and is there any way to display more than 15 per page? The plug-in is great conceptually but don’t seem to work for me in practice. Am i just missing something here?

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