• Hi everyone, can you guys and gals please check out CuteGeek.com and tell me what you think. We just went live with this design today.

    We spent a lot of time on this design and we hope its perfect, so far we love it and want to see what others think.

    Please test out the theme selector. It is on the right side of the search box. Just two themes Teal and Pink and multiple wallpapers. The idea is to have multiple color schemes and holiday themes etc.

    Thanks in advance and don’t be afraid to hurt my feelings.

    Also the sites target audience is 16 – 60 female.

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  • I’ve made a CSS and HTML validation test and it found a lot of errors.
    You’re not supposed to fix all these errors but you have to be aware of them.

    My first impression of your site was “This is a sex toys site”.

    The favicon isn’t so great.

    The flash at the top is a bit slow?

    Adding a nofollow tag to your external links like Facebook, twitter and youtube can be a good thing too.

    Those are my quick 2 cents ??
    Good luck.

    Thread Starter mike11212


    Yeah aware of the errors most are from 3rd party tags we don’t control, meebo bar etc. Not really worried about the CSS errors.

    Yeah that promo thats running is actually supposed to be the 3rd need to fix that.

    Which flash? might of been an ad, but we have no flash on the site again except for an ad that might of poped up.

    Didn’t think of the nofollow tag to the facebook links etc.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    What I like: It’s clean layout.
    What I don’t like: banner on the top which says, sex toys? lol

    Only an opinion ??

    Thread Starter mike11212


    lol, its a promo for one of the reviews on the site. Those tend to bring loads of traffic even if there is no nudity of sexually descriptive talk in the post.

    It doesn’t say sex toys though does it? I gotta triple check.

    Thread Starter mike11212


    It does say sex toys lol, we were trying to promote one of the post about a sex toy.

    I am on high speed internet and your site took what I consider way to long to load.

    Also the sites target audience is 16 – 60 female.

    Guess it isn’t for me anyway since I am out of the target audience by several years.

    Age is beauty ??



    Thread Starter mike11212


    Yeah we are moving host soon to one that supposedly is faster.

    We want to target women of all ages but when an ad agency did a demographic of our site they said 16 – 60 seemed to be the age group that visited our site to target to them. But my mom visits shes 68 ??

    Definitely a female site. The pink is distracting to my maleness.

    Design is very good. Easy to navigate. Easy to keep track where you are. The promo for the sex toy review does appear to be an ad. It’s interesting that the woman who reviewed it wasn’t afraid to show her face. Concept seems good. I was even interested in that solar panel that’s placed on a woman’s purse.

    The site loaded in only 2-3 seconds. So, not sure what marjiec meant about taking a long time to load on “high speed” internet. Sounds like she’s on dial-up.

    Overall, well done. I can pretty much guarantee that men won’t be attracted to the site. Good luck.

    Thread Starter mike11212


    Yeah we don;t want dudes! LOL actually we have a lot of MALE visitors we had to remove the email addresses for some girls because they were getting mail stalkers ??

    That’s gay!
    Well, Kinda.

    “The Mercedes of Sex Toys”? And why only ’til 60′ to view this site?

    [sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]

    Thread Starter mike11212


    It was a survey of demographics that was done by an agency they said 16 – 60 and it kinda stuck but we want of all ages I suppose.

    As a member of your target demographic and someone who considers herself to be a ‘cute geek’. I really dig the layout of the site, and the ability to change the colors/background to my liking is super nifty.
    That pink background is awful. The teal isn’t to great either, but it didn’t make me immediately want to close the browser like the pink did.
    I like pink, but the shade you’ve got here is just to hard to look at on a monitor. I couldn’t even focus on an articles I was so distracted. You need to de-saturate your color scheme a little.

    Also my feminist side is mildly offended that the background with squares in it is named ‘Kitchen’. But I am probably being over sensitive about that one.

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