• Resolved platoche56



    I have an issue with the optin on the checkout page for Paypal only (Stripe works) where the hidden input field with a nonce added by Sendinblue causes the following error with Paypal checkout due to malformed Json. The response of the xhr call via Paypal indeed returns the following raw response:

    <input type="hidden" class="ws_opt_in_nonce" name="ws_opt_in_nonce" value= "91eed72c0a">

    As you can see the input is returned by Paypal causing a malformed json error resulting the following error:
    create_order_error {err: "SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at positio…bility,messages&commit=true&currency=EUR:2:128921", timestamp: "1625481094169", referer: "www.paypal.com", sdkCorrelationID: "a082f9f50c502", sessionID: "uid_1dd075158a_mta6mze6mdq",?…}

    This occurs despite the response returning “success”.

    It has to do with the way form inputs are serialized by PayPal. Could you investigate and make it work with this popular plugin without breaking functionality?

    Many thanks,


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by platoche56.
Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)
  • Hi guys

    I am having the same issue,

    Working fine on COD but not for paypal.



    Plugin Support alice888


    Hello @tanmay-kumar-das and @platoche56,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    I have asked our developers for further information and I will update this thread once I receive guidance regarding this error.


    Plugin Support alice888



    Thank you for your patience.

    Our developer was unable to replicate the issue.

    Could you possibly share a screen recording/video of the error? This will help us to investigate further.


    Same problem here. Can I help in any way?

    I can reproduce the issue in a test environment, last version of the plugin, last version of woocommerce.

    This is the status report:

    ### WordPress Environment ###
    WordPress address (URL): https://test.test
    Site address (URL): https://test.test
    WC Version: 4.6.1
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    External object cache: –
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    					Your store is not using HTTPS. Learn more about HTTPS and SSL Certificates.
    Hide errors from visitors: ?
    ### Active Plugins (4) ###
    Newsletter, SMTP, Email marketing and Subscribe forms by Sendinblue: by Sendinblue – 3.1.15
    WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway: by WooCommerce – 2.1.2
    Sendinblue - WooCommerce Email Marketing: by Sendinblue – 2.0.25
    WooCommerce: by Automattic – 4.6.1
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    ### Settings ###
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    Cart: #7 - /?page_id=7
    Checkout: #8 - /?page_id=8
    My account: #9 - /?page_id=9
    Terms and conditions: ? Page not set
    ### Theme ###
    Name: Twenty Twenty
    Version: 1.7
    Author URL: https://www.ads-software.com/
    Child Theme: ? – If you are modifying WooCommerce on a parent theme that you did not build personally we recommend using a child theme. See: How to create a child theme
    WooCommerce Support: ?
    ### Templates ###
    Overrides: –
    ### Action Scheduler ###

    I can confirm that the problem is the nonce created in woocommerce-sendinblue-newsletter-subscription/woocommerce-sendinblue.php line 611

    <input type="hidden" class="ws_opt_in_nonce" name="ws_opt_in_nonce" value= "<?php echo wp_create_nonce( 'order_checkout_nonce' ); ?>">

    If I remove this line everything works as expected with the Paypal payment button

    Plugin Support alice888


    Hello @frendeliko,

    Thanks so much for that!

    I have passed the information along to the investigating technician. However, it sounds like removing the line of code resolves the issue?

    Could you confirm, so that the other users in the thread can implement the same?

    Thanks again,

    Yes, I can remove that line, but then the functionality won’t work as the nonce is verified in woocommerce-sendinblue-newsletter-subscription/woocommerce-sendinblue.php line 624

    And the line is in your plugin. A future update will bring it back again.

    The temp fix is to disable the optin checkbox in checkout page until you fix it ;D.

    Thank you!!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Carlos Faria.

    I am also having this issue

    Plugin Support alice888


    Hello everyone,

    Just a quick update to let you know that our developers have fixed this issue: you simply need to upgrade to the newest version of our plugin!

    I hope this helps.


    Thread Starter platoche56


    Hi @alice888,

    Thanks a lot. Will check on my staging as soon as I can and confirm.

    Did you end up getting rid of the nonce field?

    I opened a similar inquiry on the paypal checkout plugin as it seems odd they did not implement a json “fixer” like on the woocommerce checkout.js



    I can confirm the issue is fixed. Thank you very much!!

    Plugin Support alice888


    Hello @platoche56,

    Thanks for following up!

    The developer did not communicate with me the exact steps taken however, based on @frendeliko’s previous comment on this thread, it’s likely that the nonce field was removed.

    Have you updated the plugin? If you confirm everything is resolved, then I will go ahead and mark this thread as resolved, too!


    Hi there

    Sorry but things are still not working fine for me

    User is not going to Sendin blue account when we are using paypal. It works when we use cash on delivery

    I can see IPN has fired correctly


    and also opt value at the backend


    Could you advice please?



    Plugin Support alice888


    Hello @tanmay-kumar-das,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    Could you please confirm if you are using the latest version of our plugin?


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