• Resolved Rodrigo Lima


    Hi! I see the article about the web stories in official site, and in story listing section have options to change the keyword, title and description.

    But don’t see the option, for example, to change snippet, like Facebook and Twitter snippets.

    And inside the story editor i don’t found integration with Rank math, only in traditional posts.

    Any chances to get this in future ?

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  • Plugin Support Rank Math Support


    Hello @rodrigoflausino,

    Thank you for your query and we are so sorry about the trouble this must have caused.

    Can you please let us know which Web Stories plugin you are using? Please share a link or a name of that plugin.

    Also, please follow this guide and see if that would help: https://rankmath.com/kb/why-rank-math-meta-box-is-not-showing/

    Looking forward to helping you.

    Thread Starter Rodrigo Lima


    HI! It’s the official plugin, from Google!


    In web story listing posts its have only the options to insert the keyword, title and excerpt. I know about the possible challenges to get web story information and recalculate story, and for now this its not a impeditive.

    My thread its more a suggestion, because some stories i need to use a different thumbnail image to share on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram chats.

    Thanks in Advanced!

    Plugin Support Rank Math Support


    Hello @rodrigoflausino,

    At the moment, SEO settings or the meta box are not applicable for web stories from Google as they simply consist of media content. We only add the basic meta and schema for web stories. However, suggestion is valued and if this is something we can add in the future, we will surely do.

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any other questions.

    Thread Starter Rodrigo Lima


    Ok! Thanks! I asked because the Yoast have this option and its working very well inside the web story editor, in meta boxes. And i need this to continues the migration from Yoast to Rank Math.

    Plugin Support Rank Math Support


    Hello @rodrigoflausino,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Since Webstories contain thin content, our developers decided to exclude the SEO meta box for these post types. Meta tiltes and description will be taken from the title and description of the story when you publish it: https://i.rankmath.com/i/pBLI3Z

    With that said, we appreciate your input and will certainly consider adding this feature in the future if our development team finds it beneficial. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

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