• At the moment I have both normal posts and events using the same category.

    I have the option ‘Show events in recent posts list’ in the settings Display tab unticked, yet the events still appear in the standard WordPress ‘Recent posts’ block when I try to display the normal posts with the same category. Is there away around this?

    Alternatively, in the Event list when you have the category dropdown enabled is there a way to only show certain categories (so I can have other categories for normal posts but not have them showing)?


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  • Plugin Author Alan Fuller


    Thanks, yes it is not ideal that Events share the same category as Posts, I’m not sure why the original developer did that. I can’t see any valid reason why Events can have it’s own category taxonomy – can you?

    I’ll take a look to see if there is a work around.

    Longer term I think I’ll ‘migrate’ for shared category to custom category and tags, but that will need some thinking to make sure legacy migration works.

    Plugin Author Alan Fuller


    I have looked at the code of the core Recent Posts block and there seems noway to override the behavior.

    I’d almost say that is bug with the Recent Posts block in that it doesn’t specify ‘post’ in the query and hence when category is specified that take precedence.

    Plugin Author Alan Fuller


    On further investigation it is an issue with QEM.

    I need to work out a fix for this without impacting other features.

    Thread Starter itratec


    That’s brilliant. Thank you


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