• I’ve been using WPSEO with a multisite installation for a while now. It worked great for the first thirty blog we installed!

    Now we just did another round of them, and it seems that I can’t update any options. Update the stuff, hit save, and nothing. It reverts back to the original.

    Stuff I tried:
    -Deactivating all other plugins
    -Changing themes
    -Network deactivating the plugin and activating it on each individual blog.

    No dice. Still didn’t work. What did work was going to the network settings page and deleting the value for “New blogs get the SEO settings from this blog”

    Does that mean that WPSEO gets its values directly from the blog defined in that network option? As in, they can’t be updated? Basically: was this intentional? or a bug?

    If it was intentional, it doesn’t make much sense to provide options pages on each individual blog that can’t be updated.

    One more error occurred as well, and it’s probably due to the same issue. I got a headers already sent message when updating anything using options.php. It came from line 540 in class-sitemaps.php. The second argument of the in_array() function call was not an array.


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