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  • Plugin Author Big Voodoo


    Hi, thanks for your question!

    There are no options for this plugin. Once activated, it will enable some enhancements to the WordPress menu system in Appearance->Menus. These enhancements are described in the plugin description page (and also the README included in the plugin). To use the menus in your frontend, you need to use one of the shortcodes as described on the installation page.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions!

    A couple of things about this:

    First, in the installation instructions, step 3 is actually “Setup the menu structure under Options -> Mega Menu,” so this is likely the cause of the confusion.

    Second, after trying everything I could think of to get this to “work” as I expected it (I was thinking it would immediately replace my existing nav menu with a fully working mega menu), I have drawn the conclusion that the plugin is almost all back end, and it’s up to the plugin user to do the front end column styling, drop-down scripting, or whatever else he or she wants.

    In other words, the mega menu is going to look like an unordered list until I put in my own work on it, is that right? Because nothing I tried did anything but output an unordered list, and the column stuff was not processed at all by the regular menu, leaving me with menu items like {“url”:””,”title”:”Column 1”}.

    If that’s the case, I’d have to suggest that the shortcode method is a little awkward, and it would be better to automatically apply the mega menu walker to a menu location if a box is checked next to it, or at least let us insert a code snippet in the theme somewhere. Most users are also almost certainly looking for a complete front end output too, although I personally am willing to do my own presentational styling if that’s what I have to do.

    If I’m wrong about my conclusion, I’m really lost on how to make it work too, haha… but even so, I am very impressed with the back end of things. The way you added options to the WordPress menu editor was really well thought out, fits WordPress conventions, and works better than any other mega menu plugin I have seen, so great work on that!

    Thread Starter niallolaoghaire


    Thanks for the reply, I echo czargyle, this looks to have great potential but at present I won’t be using it

    Plugin Author Big Voodoo


    Haha, you’re right! I missed that line in the installation instructions (along with a couple other mistakes). I have updated the instructions.

    You make a good point, czargyle. You can do your own presentational styling, but the menu extras will only work if you use the shortcode. I can make it possible to instead specify the custom walker to specific menus, and make sure that the walker handles the extra stuff like columns. Note that doing it this way will lose the optimization of loading menus on the front-end, so menu generation will be slower (but no slower than the current WordPress menu system).

    Will this work for you?
    <?php wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'mega_menu', 'walker' => 'Walker_Nav_Mega_Menu')); ?>

    I will also include some basic CSS & JS that you can start from & customize in the next version. It will be basic so people will still need to modify it to fit their themes, but I will at least get it looking like an actual mega menu ??

    Thank you both for your feedback!

    Hello again,

    A walker option/snippet like that sounds like that would work for me! I don’t think it’s a big loss to “only” have the mega menu generate as fast as WordPress currently does it, and the added usability is worth it. Basic starter CSS and JS also sounds great — I wouldn’t have it any other way since I personally enjoy the do-it-yourself aspect. The bonus is anyone giving this plugin a shot for the first time will be able to see the possibilities right away, though.

    Again, I can’t say enough about how clever the interface for this is. Every system I have seen before adds a bunch of (often cluttered) options to each menu item. Your ideas here for adding menu item types on the left are so elegant and make so much sense, but no one has thought of it before. I hope the word gets out on this plugin, and I’ll be sure to give it a good review to help as soon as it becomes something the masses can use easily.

    Thanks a lot for listening to our feedback!

    Hello, i’m novice and my english very poor ?? Please help to install mega menu. I need simple on 3 columns sub-category (i have 52 sub-menu)
    I replace all of attribute in nav-header $location to $theme_location.

    I don’t understand where i need use this code string

    <?php wp_nav_menu(array(‘theme_location’ => ‘mega_menu’, ‘walker’ => ‘Walker_Nav_Mega_Menu’)); ?>

    And in Appearance->Menus i see 3 new tab – Shortcode/HTML Column/section Menu I don’t understand what code i need to insert to each other.

    Sorry for my knolewge of wordpress, and thanks for you attention.

    I have 2 Problems with plugin in
    Appearance >> Menu
    when I want to put a “MENU” or “columns/sections” so code shown

    Menu -> {“menu”: “4”, “title”: “l”}
    columns / sections -> {“url”: “ddd”, “title”: “dddddd”}

    What should I do to fix this problem

    I need to put a Mega Menu in a submenu

    thanks for you attention. ??

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