Renato F. from Site5 Support here.
This has been resolved with:
mkdir optipng
cd optipng
wget https://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/optipng/optipng-0.7.6.tar.gz?download
tar -xzvf optipng-0.7.6.tar.gz
rm optipng-0.7.6.tar.gz
cd optipng-0.7.6
./configure --prefix=$HOME
make install
then check if locally installed optipng is running fine:
optipng -v
~/bin/optipng -v
must return something like this:
OptiPNG version 0.7.6
Copyright (C) 2001-2016 Cosmin Truta and the Contributing Authors.
This program is open-source software. See LICENSE for more details.
Portions of this software are based in part on the work of:
Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler (zlib)
Glenn Randers-Pehrson and the PNG Development Group (libpng)
Miyasaka Masaru (BMP support)
David Koblas (GIF support)
Using libpng version 1.6.21 and zlib version 1.2.8-optipng
Then copy it to wp-content/wwww/ as optipng-custom:
cp ~/bin/optipng ~/public_html/wp-content/ewww/optipng-custom
Note: not all Site5 servers have compiling tools available to final customers. In case make or make install fail and no binary is generated (or if you are just not comfortable doing this alone), just get in touch with our support and we will be willing to help you with this ??