• I am a student at a state university and I am trying to install and run WordPress on a domain space I have with the university. The university also allows database accounts, but they only have Oracle, not MySQL…
    MySQL is a requirement but is using Oracle an option, or is the database strictly limited to MySQL?
    And if so, should I search for hosting a domain name with a MySQL database to be able to make this work? Do most users setup their own hosting and database? Or do people just pay hosting sites that include a database server as welll?

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  • Bobby,
    I don’t think you can use Oracle. MySQL and Oracle have enough differences that I can’t see it working, but I’ve not tried. Can you install software in your domain space? MySQL is pretty easy to setup.
    There are a few hosting services that are cheap ($3 per month at Bloghosts.com) or, if you have the expertise, you could simply host the blog on a machine sitting on your broadband connection.

    Thread Starter substar


    Thanks for the comments Rick, I tried setting up the system using the Oracle database but I got an Internal System Error so I’m betting they just aren’t compatable. I’ll ask about installing software in my domain space.
    I’ll check out those websites too,

    You would most likely need a Oracle database driver for PHP and then modify the WordPress code to use that.

    It is possible however the need for WP is to move toward supporting multiple databases rather than just MySQL. I wrote a PHP ‘wrapper’ that enables me to use Oracle and MySQL for an application I created and there is the pear::db project out there that will allow support of many more. As it is if you stick to ANSI sql the queries should work on Oracle however the bigger issue is that the Oracle functions in PHP don’t quite work the same way and so its not so much a quick translation but writing wrapper functions that produced result sets in a fashion that WP is expecting.
    The OCI8 extension would be required to use with PHP, you also have to have the Oracle Client installed – I presume it already is.

    I’m in a similar situation, however I grabbed that ADODB php extension and edited the same hill out of the existing WordPress code. I have had to kludge the code in a couple of places (eg. if oc8i use Max() instead of Greater() ), and all of the mysql limit code had to be replaced with ADODB style SelectLimit calls… but it seems to be going pretty darn well.
    I have not created an Install script for Oracle, but I have the source code and my database create script (which you’ll have to hand edit to suit your own data, I’m sure most can manage it though). I’m very interested in feedback/ comments (and I’d love to see WordPress adopt the ADODB db parse-wassit so I don’t have to re-hack everything for each version increment)
    Oracle create tables/ triggers/ etc.
    Oracle database populate
    [remember to edit this to have your data, or edit after it’s been inserted]
    ADODB Code

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