Hello @revivaltech,
Regarding the order bump text wrapping issue, It is a default working and CSS for the content of the order bump to keep it inside the HTML container.
If you want to modify or wants to fix it accordingly to your needs, then you can always modify the content from the backend setting of the order bump.
In the setting of the order bump, we have introduced a WP editor to modify the order bump condition as necessary as this case, you can try modifying the content just by adding a <br> tag to it.
It will surely work on all of the cases. If you do not want to use the <br> for each order bump, you can use this custom CSS,
.wcf-bump-order-desc? {????? word-break: break-word;? }?? .wcf-bump-order-offer? {????? word-break: break-word;? }
Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS > add the custom CSS here.
Hope this helps.