• recent wordpress and scp plugin and no caching plugins involved. i noticed some strange behaviour. For some reason it loses the manual order in wp-admin on a page refresh. but frontend is fine. i created a loom for that to show:

    what could be the reason? thats my cpt code:

    $args_cpt4 = array(
        'labels' => $labels_cpt4,
        'public' => true,
        'has_archive' => true,
        'show_in_nav_menus' => true,
        'show_ui' => true,
        'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-calendar-alt',
        'show_in_rest' => true, // Gutenberg
        'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'excerpt', 'revisions', 'thumbnail','author'),
        'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => _x( 'event', 'URL slug', 'foundationpress' ), 'with_front' => false ),
    register_post_type('event', $args_cpt4);
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  • Hi @nicmare,

    Thanks for the video! It really helped!
    It’s a strange behavior and we will need to debug further.
    Can you please install this plugin, health check: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/health-check/
    After you install and activate the above plugin it has a Troubleshooting mode which allows you to have a vanilla WordPress session, where all plugins are disabled, and a default theme is used, but only for your user – your visitors will still see the normal website.

    Go to its troubleshoot mode and activate only SCPO and see if the same issue happens with no other plugins and a default theme.


    Thread Starter nicmare


    this won’t work because its a custom post type created in my theme functions.php – it gets disabled when i activate the troubleshooting mode

    No worries, @nicmare.
    Could you please try and leave the theme active but disabling all plugins except SCPO?

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter nicmare


    no using another plugin instead now. sorry.

    Same issue here. Sort order just doesn’t get saved permanently. It worked previously – no Idea when it broke. Last update a reason?

    I just saw that there is currently a new update available. But I cannot install it. Error “Update failed: Could not create directory.”

    Any idea what’s going wrong here?
    Everything was setup and working correctly for about a year, now it’s just not usable anymore.

    Ah….. after trying to update the plugin (which resulted in an error, see above) the plugin has now been deactived automatically. “Plugin file does not exist”. Well done..

    I re-installed the latest version of the plugin, but there is still a problem. I can sort my posts but after refreshing the page everything is gone. It just doesn’t save my custom order. Very annoying!

    Exact same problem here. Sorting a CPT in Admin works and also reflected at the front end. After reloading the admin page the posts are no more sorted as before. As soon as i reoder one of the items again the sorting is saved and my initial manual sorting is gone forever.

    Hey @nicmare, Hey @mplusb,

    we experienced exactly the same issue and after a lot of research we finally understood the cause. Since the database cells are updated when changing the order via Drag & Drop we thought there must be another reason because WordPress seemed to ignore the menu fields.

    In our case it was the object cache, because it caches every database query, and changing the order via Drag & Drop doesn’t force the object cache to clear, a click on “Update” f.e. does.

    I guess this is a very important thing to know and maybe you as plugin developers could take care of that, because Object Caching is a popular method to improve your site’s speed.

    Best regards

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