• Resolved Harry



    I am using woocommerce Version 3.8.1 and WordPress 5.1.3.

    All was working fine, but from yesterday I stopped receiving woocommerce order emails.

    I tried of forget password email, I received that email, but didn’t received any of order email, admin and customer- both not getting email after placing order

    I tried custom test mail function from test, It’s working fine.

    I am getting issue in only woocommerce emails, not receiving any of email.

    Please provide me working solution for this
    Waiting for quick response.


Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Plugin Support Aashik P – a11n


    Hi there!

    Am I understanding correctly that all your emails are delivered as expected, except for emails generated via WooCommerce?

    If you install https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-mail-logging/ plugin, and make a test order on the site, do you see that the email was generated under Dashboard > Tools > WP Mail Logging?

    Along with your findings on that, could you please also share a copy of your site’s System Status? You can find it via WooCommerce > Status.
    Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”.? Once you’ve done that, paste it here in your response.

    Thread Starter Harry


    Thanks for quick response

    I have installed this plugin and placed a test order, It’s not showing the email logs. Please check https://nimb.ws/Qx16zv

    These all are custom emails. test order email is not listed here.

    Here is the status report.

    ### WordPress Environment ###
    WordPress address (URL): 
    Site address (URL): 
    WC Version: 3.8.1
    REST API Version: ? 1.0.2
    Log Directory Writable: ?
    WP Version: ? 5.1.3 - There is a newer version of WordPress available (5.3)
    WP Multisite: –
    WP Memory Limit: 512 MB
    WP Debug Mode: –
    WP Cron: –
    Language: en_US
    External object cache: –
    ### Server Environment ###
    Server Info: Apache
    PHP Version: 7.3.11-1+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1
    PHP Post Max Size: 100 MB
    PHP Time Limit: 3600
    PHP Max Input Vars: 1000
    cURL Version: 7.58.0
    SUHOSIN Installed: –
    MySQL Version: 5.7.27-30-log
    Max Upload Size: 50 MB
    Default Timezone is UTC: ?
    fsockopen/cURL: ?
    SoapClient: ?
    DOMDocument: ?
    GZip: ?
    Multibyte String: ?
    Remote Post: ?
    Remote Get: ?
    ### Database ###
    WC Database Version: 3.8.1
    WC Database Prefix: wp_
    MaxMind GeoIP Database: ?
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    Database Data Size: 308.46MB
    Database Index Size: 216.87MB
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    wp_yoast_seo_meta: Data: 0.06MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB
    ### Security ###
    Secure connection (HTTPS): ?
    Hide errors from visitors: ?
    ### Active Plugins (46) ###
    404page - your smart custom 404 error page: by Peter Raschendorfer – 11.1.2
    Accelerated Mobile Pages: by Ahmed Kaludi
    Mohammed Kaludi –
    Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha: by Shamim Hasan – 5.5 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    Athemes Toolbox: by aThemes – 1.05
    Attachment Pages Redirect: by Samuel Aguilera – 1.1.1
    Wordpress Bitcoin Payments - Blockonomics: by Blockonomics – 1.8.0
    Classic Editor: by WordPress Contributors – 1.5
    Comment Attachment: by latorante –
    Comment Form Validation: by Abhay Yadav – 1.2
    Contact Form 7: by Takayuki Miyoshi – 5.1.6
    Content Views: by Content Views – 2.2.0
    GDPR Cookie Consent: by WebToffee – 1.8.2
    Duplicate Post: by Enrico Battocchi – 3.2.3
    Edit Author Slug: by Brandon Allen – 1.6.1
    Favorites: by Kyle Phillips – 2.3.1
    MailPoet Checkout Subscription for WooCommerce - Legacy: by Sébastien Dumont – 4.0.1 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    Minimum Order Amount for Woocommerce: by Dario Curasì – 1.5.0 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    Nav Menu Roles: by Kathy Darling – 1.9.5
    OneSignal Push Notifications: by OneSignal – 1.17.9
    Order / Coupon / Subscription Export Import Plugin for WooCommerce: by WebToffee – 2.4.0 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    Popup Maker: by Popup Maker – 1.8.14
    Redirection: by John Godley – 4.5.1
    Rename wp-login.php: by Ella Iseulde Van Dorpe – 2.5.5
    Page Builder by SiteOrigin: by SiteOrigin – 2.10.13
    SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle: by SiteOrigin – 1.15.9
    WP FAQ: by WP OnlineSupport – 3.3.2
    Trustpilot-reviews: by Trustpilot – 2.5.777 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    User Role Editor: by Vladimir Garagulya – 4.52.1
    Without payment woocommerce: by Djo – 1.2.2 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce: by ThemeHigh – 1.3.9
    Woo Custom Emails: by wp3sixty – 2.2 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    WooCommerce Friendly User Agent: by Blaze Concepts – 1.1.0 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    Woo Variations table: by Alaa Rihan – 1.3.10 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    WooCommerce Menu Cart: by Jeremiah Prummer
    Ewout Fernhout – 2.7.6
    WooCommerce Pay for Payment: by Karolína Vysko?ilová – – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    WooCommerce Product Slider: by subhansanjaya – 1.5 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    WooCommerce Product Tabs: by Nilambar Sharma – 2.0.1 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    WooCommerce: by Automattic – 3.8.1
    Yoast SEO: by Team Yoast – 11.9 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    WP Fastest Cache: by Emre Vona –
    WP Logo Showcase Responsive Slider: by WP OnlineSupport – 2.4
    WP Mail Logging: by MailPoet – 1.9.5
    WP Security Audit Log: by WP White Security –
    WP Security Audit Log: by WP White Security –
    ReCaptcha v2 for Contact Form 7: by IQComputing – 1.2.3
    MailPoet 2: by MailPoet – 2.13
    ### Inactive Plugins (12) ###
    Anti-Spam by CleanTalk: by СleanTalk <[email protected]> – 5.130.1
    Coming Soon Page, Under Construction & Maintenance Mode by SeedProd: by SeedProd – 5.1.0
    GoUrl Bitcoin Payment Gateway & Paid Downloads & Membership: by GoUrl.io – 1.4.19
    GoUrl WooCommerce - Bitcoin Altcoin Payment Gateway Addon. White Label Solution: by GoUrl.io – 1.2.8
    Invisible reCaptcha: by Mihai Chelaru – 1.2.3
    Simple CSS: by Tom Usborne – 1.1
    Simple Custom CSS and JS: by SilkyPress.com – 3.28
    Smush: by WPMU DEV – 3.3.2
    Strong Testimonials: by MachoThemes – 2.40.0
    WonderPlugin Tabs: by Magic Hills Pty Ltd – 5.1
    WooCommerce CoinPayments.net Gateway: by CoinPayments.net – 1.0.12 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    WP Mail SMTP: by WPForms – 1.7.1
    ### Dropin Plugins (1) ###
    advanced-cache.php: advanced-cache.php
    ### Must Use Plugins (4) ###
    Force Strong Passwords - WPE Edition: by Jason Cosper – 1.6.4
    WP Engine Security Auditor: by wpengine – 1.0.8
    WP Engine System: by WP Engine – 3.2.2
    WPE Sign On Plugin: by WP Engine – 1.1.0
    ### Settings ###
    API Enabled: ?
    Force SSL: ?
    Currency: GBP (£)
    Currency Position: left
    Thousand Separator: ,
    Decimal Separator: .
    Number of Decimals: 2
    Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)
    grouped (grouped)
    simple (simple)
    variable (variable)
    Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)
    exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
    featured (featured)
    outofstock (outofstock)
    rated-1 (rated-1)
    rated-2 (rated-2)
    rated-3 (rated-3)
    rated-4 (rated-4)
    rated-5 (rated-5)
    Connected to WooCommerce.com: –
    ### WC Pages ###
    Shop base: #12 - /shop/
    Cart: #13 - /cart/
    Checkout: #14 - /checkout/
    My account: #15 - /my-account/
    Terms and conditions: ? Page not set
    ### Theme ###
    Name: kamagrauk24-child
    Version: – 0 is available
    Author URL: 
    Child Theme: ?
    Parent Theme Name: 
    Parent Theme Version: – 0 is available
    Parent Theme Author URL: 
    WooCommerce Support: ?
    ### Templates ###
    Overrides: kamagrauk24-child/woocommerce/emails/customer-completed-order.php
    ### Action Scheduler ###
    Complete: 106
    Oldest: 2019-11-27 07:50:03 +0000
    Newest: 2019-12-04 12:31:07 +0000
    Pending: 0
    Oldest: –
    Newest: –
    Canceled: 0
    Oldest: –
    Newest: –
    In-progress: 0
    Oldest: –
    Newest: –
    Failed: 0
    Oldest: –
    Newest: –

    Please check.


    Plugin Support Aashik P – a11n


    Hello Harry,

    Thanks for System Status Report and screenshot on what you’re seeing.

    Can you please reconfirm that the emails are indeed enabled under WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > New order?

    If yes, and you’re still seeing the same behavior, there could be a conflict on the site that’s preventing those emails from generating.

    To narrow down what’s causing this, you can perform a complete conflict test as per the instructions in How to Test for Plugin and Theme Conflicts documentation.

    You might want to set up a staging site for testing if this cannot be done on the live site. This plugin lets you set up Staging sites (ensuring the live site stays intact during the testing process): https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-staging/

    Let us know how the testing goes.

    When you get to the “conflict test” part of Aashik’s suggestions, I’d suggest focusing on the Woo Custom Emails plugin. It seems like the most likely one to be causing problems.

    im having the same issue. Email within my domain are not getting any new order emails… but if i change it to an email account outside of the domain i do receive the new order email…

    Plugin Support Aashik P – a11n


    @chessyjs That seems to be different from what was reported by @testingleis. Can you please create a new forum topic describing the behavior you’re seeing, along with System Status Report?

    Thread Starter Harry



    Thanks for your support.

    I have fixed this issue by uploading fresh files of wordpress (wp-admin and wp-includes folder).

    Plugin Support Aashik P – a11n


    I have fixed this issue by uploading fresh files of wordpress (wp-admin and wp-includes folder).

    That’s great to hear! Thanks for letting us know @testingleis.

    I’ll go ahead and mark this topic as solved now. Feel free to open a new topic if you have other queries.

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
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