Hey Joan,
Definitely use our perferred support channel for customers (email) as we see those far quicker than on here.
You can use order by date for posts, and update dates lessons appear in the order you’d like. That’s the work around for posts. To show only certain posts, only include the category ID or tag of post you want. This is from our documentation on our website:
You can filter by category or tag as well in your [wpc_list_pages] shortcode, by using the following syntax (categories require the category ID, whereas tags can be written out as the word):
[wpc_list_pages cat="2"]
Where “2” is the ID of the category you wish to filter by. So only lessons with the category ID of 2 will show in this list.
[wpc_list_pages tag="lesson"]
Where “lesson” is the name of the tag you wish to filter by. So only lessons with the tag of “lesson” will be shown in this list.2
See: https://wpcomplete.co/listing-your-lessons/
This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by
PJ. Reason: adding a URL for the documentation