• Resolved Armsportstore.com


    Efter uppdatering till 2.12.6 s? blir alla best?llningar felaktiga och det saknas information b?de i Klarnas portal samt i butikens system vad g?ller betalningen. Alla ordrar som g?rs med Klarna Checkout blir dessutom pausade och det kommer upp ett felmeddelande som en notering i best?llningen i WooCommerce.

    “A mismatch between the WooCommerce and Klarna orders was identified. Please verify the order in the Klarna Merchant portal before processing. Best?llningsstatus ?ndrad fr?n Behandlas till Pausad.”

    I best?llningen i WooCommerce s? finns det heller inget Klarna order-id angivet. Och i Klarnas portal s? finns det heller inga uppgifter i loggen om att ordern skickats ?ver ordentligt fr?n WooCommerce.

    Gjorde flera best?llningar i f?ljd, f?r att kontrollera att det inte var ett tillf?lligt fel.

    H?r ?r det lustiga som ocks? bekr?ftar att felet ligger i er senaste uppdatering. Att n?r jag gjorde en rollback till version 2.12.5 s? ?vergick alla best?llningar till Behandlas och pl?tsligt fylldes informationen i noteringarna i order i som det brukar st? n?r ordern ?r lagd via Klarna Checkout. Exempelvis: “Betalning via Klarna Checkout, order ID: e8377033-638a-51fb-a9cb-67b095bxxxxxx”.
    Under rubriken f?r best?llningen s? st?r det nu ocks?: “Betalning via Klarna Checkout (e8377033-638a-51fb-a9cb-67b095bxxxxx)” vilket det inte gjorde med den senaste versionen, d?r betalningsrubriken ist?llet var tom.

    I Klarna Merchant Portal s? uppdaterades ocks? ordern pl?tsligt med:
    “Handlare uppdaterade butiksreferenser
    5 juli 2024 15:03, via API

    Referens 1: 11779
    Referens 2: 11779″

    Denna info saknades med den senaste versionen av ert plugin. Skulle vara tacksam om ni fixar detta snarast, d? det st?ller till det ordentligt n?r best?llningar inte kan genomf?ras p? ett korrekt s?tt. Dessutom kan jag ocks? till?gga att pop-up f?nstret med den senaste version var extremt segt, tog en halv evighet innan n?got visades i det. N?r jag gjort rollbacken, s? fl?t allt p? smidigt igen. S? n?got ?r ju helt galet i er uppdatering.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Andreas – Krokedil


    We are sorry that you are having problems and we are investigating this further and we have recieved more tickets around this that more people are experience similar issues. So we recommend all merchant to rollback the Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce plugin to version 2.12.5 in the meantime we are looking for a fix.
    Easiest way to rollback the plugin is to use a plugin like WP rollback, WPbeginner has some good info on how that plugin works: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-rollback-wordpress-plugins-version-control-for-beginners/#Rolling-Back-a-WordPress-Plugin-to-a-Previous-Version
    The orders that has come in we are afraid that you need to handle manually. So you need to manually charge those orders through Klarnas portal and you also need to handle those WC orders manually.
    If you have our Klarna Order management plugin installed you can use a built-in function in this case to separate the specific orders from the Klarna portal, read more about that here:

    ?When we have a fix ready we will let you know,

    Plugin Support Andreas – Krokedil


    Fix has been released in Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce 2.12.7

    Thread Starter Armsportstore.com


    Seems to be fixed with this new version ??

    Still having this issue on the newest version: 2.12.7


    Plugin Support Andreas – Krokedil



    We just released a version with extended logging which will tell us more on what is causing this problem. So if its possible to update to that version and trigger the error and then rollback to KCO 2.12.5 version again it would be great.

    Please do not post the logs here but send them to us using our support form

    Any updates on this issue?

    We were running version 2.12.7 and still got the message “A mismatch between the WooCommerce and Klarna orders was identified” for all our orders. We did a roleback to 2.12.5 and after that everything works fine again. This issue is marked as resolved so I just want to make sure you are still working on a fix for those who still have the issue described in the original post.

    Plugin Author Niklas H?gefjord


    Version 2.12.8 includes more detailed logging to log where in the order the mismatch occur. Perhaps you can update to version 2.12.8 on a test environment and see what the log says?

    Thanks for the reply Niklas! So what we get is “Shipping method mismatch”. I’ve sent the logs via the support form.

    Plugin Author Niklas H?gefjord


    Hi @marreone,

    In version 2.12.6 the plugin introduced a discrepancy check that searches for order item differences (to avoid fraudulent purchases). Since shipping methods do not have a specific SKU in Woo, the reference sent to Klarna for the shipping line can in some situations (together with some plugins) differ slightly between cart and order.

    We are working on a fix for this that should solve the problem. We should have a new version ready on Monday (July 22), until then perhaps you can stay on version 2.12.5?

    Hi NIklas and thanks for the explanation! Yes, that’s absolutely fine with us. No rush.

    We still have this problem with Version 2.13.3, how can i fix this ?

    “Klarna order total (0.0) does not match WooCommerce order total (319.0). Please verify the order with Klarna before processing”

    Hi, recently noticed i have a similar issue that started from nowhere!
    Since we are rounding up/down our prices to not have weird amounts, we are now having the mismatch issue aswell.
    We round number from 451,8 > 452 on this order.
    It pauses the order and we have to manually go in and change the orders.
    Is there any other solve then rollback?

    Woocommerce log
    “Klarna order total (451.8) does not match WooCommerce order total (452.0).”

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by grillazero.
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