• As I’ve been using SCPO for absolutely ages and couldn’t do with out it (big up, 5 star review) I’m thinking this must be a new issue.

    My taxonomy archives are ignoring the custom post order and coming out in date order.

    Just to be clear this is a custom taxonomy on a custom post type. The post type archive orders just fine, it’s only the taxonomy archives that don’t

    Has something changed? I’m sure I would have noticed this.

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  • Thread Starter wizcomhosting


    Just to add, I have had to add this to functions.php;

    function custom_pre_get_posts($wp_query) {

    if (($wp_query->is_main_query()) && (is_tax(‘my-tax’))) {
    $wp_query->set(‘orderby’, ‘menu_order’);
    $wp_query->set(‘order’, ‘ASC’);

    add_action(‘pre_get_posts’, ‘custom_pre_get_posts’);`

    And it works.

    Hi @wizcomhosting,

    Thank you for letting us know you found a solution.
    Just to double check, did you went to the plugin’s settings and turn on the sorting for that taxonomy?

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter wizcomhosting


    Absolutely. Though according to the docs that’s for sorting the order of the terms within taxonomies rather than the order of the posts in the taxonomy archive. However I turned it on as a precaution.

    To recap it’s the order of posts in a taxonomy archive that is broken. A solution would still be appreciated rather than a workaround ??

    Hi @wizcomhosting,

    Thank you for explaining!
    I just checked this on my end but I was unable to replicate that same issue. I can change the order of the posts in a taxonomy archive and it keeps that custom order.
    Here is a screenshot from my end: https://gyazo.com/a44f8d86cf7bb3c46c2f97d8af66ec61

    Can you please install this plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/health-check/
    After you install and activate the above plugin it has a Troubleshooting mode which allows you to have a vanilla WordPress session, where all plugins are disabled, and a default theme is used, but only for your user – your visitors will still see the normal website.

    Go to its troubleshoot mode and only activate this plugin and see if they can be ordered with a default WordPress theme (Twenty Nineteen for example) and no other plugins.
    Please let me know how it goes!


    Thread Starter wizcomhosting


    Thanks for your help Milhaela.

    I am beginning to have problems with SCPO which is extremely disappointing as it has ‘just worked’ up until now. This morning I had a site whose order was lost until I checked “Show advanced view of Post Types” which did nothing I could see (except make the order work again!)

    I have used the Health Check Plugin and the result is the same. Note I cannot turn off Advanced Custom Fields Pro or my them breaks but this should be an uncontroversial plugin. Also I cannot use the default theme because my custom post types are missing.

    To be clear (because it seems from your screenshot you don’t completely understand my problem):

    1. My post type is Projects, the Taxonomy is region, one of the Terms is Middle East

    2. I can order the posts in the backend absolutely fine.

    3. If I display the post-type archive archive-projects.php the order form SCPO works absolutely fine

    4. If I display the taxonomy archive taxonomy-region.php then the order is the post date order and not the SCPO order unless I use the patch listed above.

    This is absolutely repeatable with or without health check and only ACF active.

    Thread Starter wizcomhosting


    Hello @wizcomhosting,

    Just to make sure I got this right please allow me to trace my steps:
    I have the custom post type ‘Portfolio’ which has these categories: https://gyazo.com/d19a0233c8492bc21978e971a170857d
    When I try to order the custom posts from a certain category it works and the new order sticks both in the back and front end.
    Back-end: https://gyazo.com/d1d7415a1c5652271209967dae8c782f
    Front-end: https://gyazo.com/4bd8dc6022515acb562109e084118491

    Can you please let me know what theme and plugins are you using?


    Hi @mplusb

    I have the same problem before I use the plugin, installed this plugin to arrange the order, though I still need to use the snippet below to force sorting to work.

    if ( ! is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() && is_tax(“series”)) {
    $query->set(“orderby”, “menu_order”);
    $query->set(“order”, “ASC”);

    Thread Starter wizcomhosting


    Hi Mihaela

    Thanks for staying with this but I am not sure how we can proceed.

    There is a documented issue, apart from these two cases I found the solution via Google. It’s specific, it has a solution, therefore it should be possible to trace its cause within your code fairly simply.

    My theme is bespoke, written from the ground up but is relatively simple. I would be happy to share it with you if you can think of a way. As I say the only plugin that is necessary is ACF and I can’t test without it switched on (without deconstructing the theme) and, if it was a clash with ACF as the cause I’m afraid it would be SCPO that would be ditched.

    Thank you for letting me know.
    Because I am not able to reproduce this on my end the next step would be to open a ticket on GitHub for our developers so they can investigate as well.
    You can follow it here: https://github.com/ColorlibHQ/simple-custom-post-order/issues/70
    In case you want to leave any feedback for the dev team.

    Thank you for understanding,

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