Order of the Fields Listed
This tag:
[display-posts include_content=”true” content_class=”” title=”Recent Activity” post_type=”review,event_comment,attachment” post_status=”inherit,publish,future” include_author=”true” category_display=”true”
order=”DESC” orderby=”post_date” ignore_sticky_posts=”true” include_date=”true”
wrapper=”div” wrapper_class=”container”
]produces this HTML, where attachment image is the last child.
How do I change the order in which the fields are displayed: example in order of:Title, attachment, date, author?<div class=”listing-item”>chest <span class=”date”>(2/24/2019)</span> <span class=”author”>by tmbu</span><p></p>
<div class=”card”>
<p class=”attachment”><noscript>
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