• Resolved secretuser777


    Hello! I use Elementor Pro website builder as plugin in the WordPress. I really want to use the Site Review’s plugin. This plugin works fine and display posts score information but I want to change the Posts Loop order by average rated score. Did everythink from instruction where you give information to put some code to the functions.php file, then using meta keys: _glsr_average, _glsr_ranking, _glsr_reviews put them to the Additional CSS block from page setting. Didn’t find where to put this in the Elementor panel. In the Elementor panel it has 2 fields when clicking the Posts Loop block > Additional: CSS ID and CSS Class. Tried to point the “_glsr_average” in both but it doesn’t work. May be you’ve decision for the Elementor how to change order posts in loop with Site Review’s meta keys?

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  • Thread Starter secretuser777


    Tried to use the “Advanced Queries” plugin. In the Elementor panel when selecting the Post Loop block > Queries > Advanced query options I chose “Advanced order by options” > Dynamic OrderBy field > and input _glsr_average. Now all posts in loop ordered by average score. But posts in loop with 0 score are disappeared and don’t display in loop. Only when adding rate to post it becomes displaying in loop. How to display the 0 rated posts too?

    Thread Starter secretuser777


    Could you please tell what PHP file at the /wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/ directory should be modified in order to fix the “_glsr_average” default setting displaying all posts including with 0 score or posts that weren’t rated yet?

    Thread Starter secretuser777


    Found the decision https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/order-posts-by-rating/

    Oh, my God! 18 hours passed since I was confused trying to solve this issue(((

    By the way, this code uses “_glsr_ranking”, what about “_glsr_average”? Is it similiar?

    Plugin Author Gemini Labs


    _glsr_average is the average rating.

    _glsr_ranking is the calculated Bayesian ranking.

    You can sort by either of those meta_keys.

    Plugin Author Gemini Labs


    Found the decision https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/order-posts-by-rating/

    I will add this solution the the Site Reviews > Help & Support > FAQ page in the next update.

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