• Resolved thinkwired


    As it stands now, the “Page SEO settings” for each page display directly below the content editor. I actually have other plugins that I would like to display above your plugin (in between it and the content editor).

    Is there any “display order” type setting for your plugin? Any chance you would be including this option in future releases?


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  • Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    Hi thinkwired,

    Each user can manually drag the in-post and term metaboxes/area below or above other boxes when JavaScript is enabled.

    If you wish to pre-set these (for new users), there are filters:

    //* Term meta area. Default 0.
    add_filter( 'the_seo_framework_term_metabox_priority', 'my_seo_term_metabox_priority', 10, 1 );
    function my_seo_term_metabox_priority( $current = 0 ) {
       return 5;
    //* Post/Page metabox. default 'high'.
    add_filter( 'the_seo_framework_metabox_priority', 'my_seo_metabox_priority' );
    function my_seo_metabox_priority() {
       //* Accepts 'high', 'default', 'low'. Default is 'high'.
       return 'default';

    You can make a mu-plugin or plugin for these filters and then easily use them across different sites.

    If you have any more questions or require any more assistance, feel free to let me know! Have a great day :).

    sorry to reply an off-topic here. But it’s about your previous post: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/wordpress-hacked-post-author-id-is-0?replies=4

    Basically I got exactly the same issue as you described in that post. I googled it and found your post, but I still struggled to find a solution yet. Have you solved this issue since then and how? It’d be much appreciated if you could shed some lights.


    Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    Hi derykc,

    In WordPress 4.4 the user meta data has been changed slightly, maybe there’s a theme or plugin upgrade conflict you’re facing.

    I’d suggest asking this question (with its context [i.e. where can you see this issue], name your active theme/plugins) right here.
    The contributors that hang around within that forum are much more capable of providing an answer than one in a plugin’s subforum :).

    Best of luck!

    Thread Starter thinkwired


    @derykc I never found out how it happened but, following the steps to clean things up did solve the problem.

    @sybre derykc was asking about a totally unrelated issue in a thread that has since been closed. I’m guessing this is the only way could contact me.

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