• Resolved sweisman


    Upon first read, this looked like the function I was looking for. But now I’m not so sure.

    Can this plugin sort tags on a per-post basis? Or is the order globally applied?

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  • This plugin won’t do what you want.
    I saw your post here because I came to ask for that.

    You have to dig deep in the code, but back 7 years ago, they added the term_order column to the relationships table, but there is not a good way to use it in core. In this ticket https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/5857#comment:4 it shows simple code to enable the ordering of the terms assigned to a post. Now we just need a plugin author that has a good interface already to implement that for the taxonomy meta box at the post level.

    Plugin Author John James Jacoby


    I will look into adding this in a future release ??

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