There is no issue with the plugin, delivery & pickup both options are there but CSS from another plugin made it hidden that is on this path https://www.cremeux.in/wp-content/plugins/smartpay/public/css/app.css .
If you search CSS rules on above mentioned CSS file and change accordingly as below you will see the pickup & delivery options are visible.
Just comment out height, opacity and width rules as demonstrated at below code block.
@supports (-webkit-appearance:none) or (-moz-appearance:none)
.radio {
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
background: #fff;
border: var(--radio-border-width) solid var(--color-gray);
border-radius: 50%;
cursor: pointer;
/* height: var(--radio-size); */
/* opacity: 0; */
outline: none;
transition: background .2s ease-out,border-color .2s ease-out;
/* width: var(--radio-size); */
Its recommended that you style the elements with their class rather than using type that effect all elements on that same page.
Thanks and feel free to ask if you still facing difficulty to get that.