The foodbooking.com domain is the originating domain of the ordering widget.
On desktop devices due to the large amount of screenspace we are able to open the menu as an overlay on the website, so the originating domain of the widget is not visible.
On mobile devices, due to the limited screenspace, the menu opens in the browser tab, so the foodbooking.com originating domain can be seen.
So, by default =>
– for the restaurants which have the “See menu & order” installed on their custom website => the mobile ordering url will originate from foodbooking.com
– for the restaurants which have the Sales optimised website – 94/month service purchased => the mobile ordering url will originate from their sales optimized website domain
After the order has been accepted within our system, there are no other actions required from the food client.
From our experience, most food clients simply close the browser window, which is why the Back button does not appear on the order acceptance step in the ordering widget immediately after the order is accepted.
So we do not have any plans in our near future roadmap to have this button made available before refresh or implement a button that sends the food client back to the homepage.
The reason for this is that the button may be published on multiple pages on the restaurant website and we would have to implemented a check to see from where the food client originates. This would add some complexity to the widget which is why we will not add this in our near future roadmap.