Since I suspect I’m wrestling with the same thing, I’ll take a stab at this:
I am (and I think the OP is also) trying to use that “short” title in the Series TOC that gets published at the top of each series post, because I have long titles on individual posts, but the TOC would be better with the short titles. (The same short titles we want in Sidebar Widgets, we sometimes want in the main TOC too, in other words.)
My reason for this is that I find it useful to have the series title in each post title, for the purposes of post readability, but it’s really not useful in the TOC. Here’s an example from my own blog. You can see that half of almost each title in the TOC is useless information.
The problem is that whatever the tag is that’s used for displaying the short title in the widget, isn’t listed in the Organize Series Plugin Options page sidebar. I’ve also looked around in the code for the widget, and can’t seem to see the specific tag there, but then, I don’t exactly know what I’m looking for.
Is a “short” title tag available that could be used in configuring display options on the “Organize Series Plugin Options” page, or is the toggle between “full” title and “short” title handled in some arcane way that makes that impossible? If such a tag does exist, I’d love to be able to use it.