• I’m using the organize-series.2.3.8 plugin and am trying to set it up for multi authors so each author only sees their own series post and not a list of all series site wide. But I’m a Nube and don’t know where to begin. Some where in here I’m sure it can be done. Any pointers?
    Thank you!

     * This file contains all the code that hooks orgSeries into the various pages of the WordPress administration.   Some hooks will reference other files (series management, and series options).
     * @package Organize Series WordPress Plugin
     * @since 2.2
    global $pagenow;
    $checkpage = $pagenow;
    global $checkpage;
     * All the add_action and apply_filter hooks for this file go here
    //add action for admin-series.css and thickbox
    add_action('admin_print_styles', 'orgSeries_admin_header');
    ##ADMIN-Write/Edit Post Script loader
    add_action('admin_print_scripts-post.php', 'orgSeries_post_script');
    add_action('admin_print_scripts-post-new.php', 'orgSeries_post_script');
    add_action('admin_print_scripts-edit-tags.php', 'orgSeries_manage_script');
    //add ajax for on-the-fly series adds
    add_action('wp_ajax_add-series', 'admin_ajax_series');
    //add_action('wp_ajax_inline-series', 'admin_inline_series_ajax');
    //hook into the quick-edit on edit.php
    add_filter('manage_posts_columns', 'orgSeries_custom_column_filter');
    add_action('manage_posts_custom_column','orgSeries_custom_column_action', 12, 2);
    if ( $checkpage != 'upload.php' )
    		add_action('restrict_manage_posts', 'orgSeries_custom_manage_posts_filter');
    add_action('post_relatedlinks_list', 'add_series_management_link');
    add_action( 'right_now_content_table_end', 'add_series_to_right_now');
    //function: Add Meta-box
    add_action('admin_menu', 'orgseries_add_meta_box');
    function orgSeries_admin_header() {
    	$plugin_path = SERIES_LOC;
    	$csspath = $plugin_path . "orgSeries-admin.css";
    	wp_register_style( 'orgSeries-admin', $csspath );
    	wp_enqueue_style( 'orgSeries-admin' );
    	wp_enqueue_style( 'thickbox' );
    //add_action filter for the manage_series page...
    function orgSeries_post_script() {
    function orgSeries_admin_script() {
    //load in the series.js script and set localization variables.
    global $checkpage, $orgseries, $pagenow;
    	if (isset($_GET['page']))
    		$checkpage = $_GET['page'];
    	if ('post-new.php' == $checkpage || 'post.php' == $checkpage) {
    		wp_enqueue_script( 'ajaxseries' );
    	if ( 'edit-tags.php' == $checkpage && 'series' == $_GET['taxonomy'] )
    function orgSeries_manage_script() {
    	wp_enqueue_script( 'thickbox' );
    	wp_enqueue_script('orgseries_scripts','/'.PLUGINDIR.'/'.SERIES_DIR.'/js/orgseries_scripts.js',array('jquery', 'thickbox'));
    ######ON THE FLY ADD SERIES########
    function admin_ajax_series() {
    	if ( !current_user_can( 'manage_series' ) )
    	global $wp_taxonomies;
    	$name = $_POST['newseries'];
    	$x = new WP_Ajax_Response();
    	$series_name = trim($name);
    	if ( !$series_nicename = sanitize_title($series_name) )
    	if ( !$series_id = series_exists( $series_name ) )
    		$ser_id = wp_create_single_series( $series_name );
    		$series_id = $ser_id['term_id'];
    	$series_name = esc_html(stripslashes($series_name));
    	$x->add( array(
    		'what' => 'series',
    		'id' => $series_id,
    		'data' => "<li id='series-$series_id'><label for='in-series-$series_id' class='selectit'><input value='$series_id' type='radio' name='post_series' id='in-series-$series_id' checked /> $series_name</label><span id='new_series_id' class='hidden'>$series_id</span></li>",
    		'position' => -1
    	) );
    function admin_inline_series_ajax() {
    	check_ajax_referer ( 'inlineeditnonce', '_inline_edit' );
    	$data[$seriesid] = $_POST['post_series'];
    	$data[$series_part] = $_POST['series_part'];
    	$data[$id] = $_POST['series_post_id'];
    	/*$series_id = $_POST['post_series'];
    	$part = $_POST['series_part'];
    	$post_id = $_POST['series_post_id'];*/
    	orgSeries_custom_column_action('series', $data[$id]);
     * get_series_list() - queries the list of series from the database and creates an array indicating what
     * series is associated with the current post (if existent).
     * The code here is mirrored from get_nested_categories in the core  wp-admin\includes\template.php
     * file.
     * @uses count() - internal WordPress function
     * @uses wp_get_post_series()
     * @uses get_series()
     * @uses get_the_series_by_ID()
     * @uses apply_filters() - user can modify the array that is returned.
     * @param int $default - id for the default series.  Currently there is not an option for users to set a
     * default series.  This may change in the future.
     * @return array|mixed $result - series ids, series names, and checked value.
    function get_series_list( $default = 0 ) {
    	global $post, $postdata, $checked_series;
    	$post_ID = isset( $post ) ? $post->ID : $postdata->ID;
    	if ( empty( $checked_series ) ) {
    		if ( $post_ID ) {
    			$checked_series = wp_get_post_series( $post_ID );
    			if ( count( $checked_series ) == 0 ) {
    				$checked_series[] = $default;
    		} else {
    			$checked_series[] = $default;
    		$series = get_series( "hide_empty=0&fields=ids" );
    		$result = array ();
    		if ( is_array( $series ) ) {
    			foreach ( $series as $serial ) {
    				$result[$serial]['series_ID'] = $serial;
    				$result[$serial]['checked'] = in_array( $serial, $checked_series );
    				$result[$serial]['ser_name'] = get_the_series_by_ID( $serial );
    		$result = apply_filters( 'get_series_list', $result );
    		usort( $result, '_usort_series_by_name' );
    		return $result;
     * write_series_list() - html output for the list of series in for user selection on the write/edit post screen
     * Code is mirror'd from the write_nested_categories() function in the core wp-admin\includes\template.php file.
     * @uses esc_html
     * @param array|mixed $series - contains series_ID, ser_name, and checked (does post belong to this series)
    function write_series_list( $series ) { //copied from write_nested_categories in template.php
    	global $orgseries;
    		echo '<li id="series-0"><label for ="in-series-0" class="selectit"><input value="0" type="radio" name="post_series" id="in-series-0" checked="checked" />' . __('Not part of a series', $orgseries->org_domain) . '</label></li>';
    		foreach ( $series as $serial ) {
    			echo '<li id="series-', $serial['series_ID'],'"><label for="in-series-', $serial['series_ID'], '" class="selectit"><input value="', $serial['series_ID'], '" type="radio" name="post_series" id="in-series-', $serial['series_ID'], '"', ($serial['checked'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ), '/> ' , esc_html( $serial['ser_name'] ), "</label></li>";
    * get_series_to_select() - wrapper function to output the list of series on the write/edit post page.
    * Calls up the list of existing series in the WordPress db and displays the series that the post belongs to already selected.
    *@uses write_series_list()
    *@uses get_series_list()
    *@param int $default = id for the default series. Currently there is not an option for users to set a default series id.  This may change in the future.
    function get_series_to_select( $default = 0 ) {
    	write_series_list( get_series_list( $default) );
    //series-edit box for wp 2.8 forward
    function series_edit_meta_box() {
    global $post, $postdata, $content, $orgseries;
    	$id = isset($post) ? $post->ID : $postdata->ID;
    	$ser_id = wp_get_post_series( $id );
    	<p id="jaxseries"></p>
    		<span id="series-ajax-response"></span>
    		<ul id="serieschecklist" class="list:series serieschecklist form-no-clear">
    				<?php get_series_to_select(); ?>
    		<span id="seriespart"><strong> <?php _e('Series Part:', $orgseries->org_domain); ?>   </strong><input type="text" name="series_part[<?php echo $ser_id[0]; ?>]" id="series_part" size="5" value="<?php echo get_post_meta($id, SERIES_PART_KEY, true); ?>" /></span>
    			<p id="part-description"><?php _e('Note: that if you leave this blank or enter an invalid number the post will automatically be appended to the rest of the posts in the series', $orgseries->org_domain); ?></p>
    function orgseries_add_meta_box() {
    	global $orgseries;
    	add_meta_box('seriesdiv', __('Series', $orgseries->org_domain), 'series_edit_meta_box', 'post', 'advanced', 'core');
    	remove_meta_box('tagsdiv-series', 'post', 'advanced'); //removes series meta box added by WordPress Taxonomy api.
    function orgSeries_custom_column_filter($defaults) {
    	global $orgseries;
    	$defaults['series'] = __('Series', $orgseries->org_domain);
    	return $defaults;
    function orgSeries_custom_column_action($column_name, $id) {
    	global $orgseries;
    	$seriesid = null;
    	$series_part = null;
    	$series_name = null;
    	if ($column_name == 'series') {
    		if ( $series = get_the_series($id, false) ) {
    			$seriesid = $series[0]->term_id;
    			$series_name = $series[0]->name;
    			$series_link = get_series_link($series_name);
    			$series_part = get_post_meta($id, SERIES_PART_KEY, TRUE);
    			$count = $series[0]->count;
    			$column_content = '';
    				if ($series && get_post_status($id) == 'publish') {
    					$column_content = '<div class="series_column">'.sprintf(__('Part %1$s of %2$s in the series, <a href="%3$s" title="%4$s">%5$s</a>', $orgseries->org_domain), $series_part, $count, $series_link, $series_name, $series_name);
    					$column_content .= '<div class="hidden" id="inline_series_' . $id . '"><div class="series_inline_edit">'.$seriesid.'</div><div class="series_inline_part">'.$series_part.'</div><div class="series_post_id">'.$id.'</div><div class="series_inline_name">'.$series_name.'</div></div></div>';
    					echo  $column_content;
    				} else {
    					$column_content = '<div class="series_column">'.sprintf(__('<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%3$s</a> - (currently set as Part %4$s)', $orgseries->org_domain), $series_link, $series_name, $series_name, $series_part);
    					$column_content .= '<div class="hidden" id="inline_series_' . $id . '"><div class="series_inline_edit">'.$seriesid.'</div><div class="series_inline_part">'.$series_part.'</div><div class="series_post_id">'.$id.'</div><div class="series_inline_name">'.$series_name.'</div></div></div>';
    					echo $column_content;
    			} else {
    				$column_content = '<div class="series_column"><div class="hidden" id="inline_series_' . $id . '"><div class="series_inline_edit">'.$seriesid.'</div><div class="series_inline_part">'.$series_part.'</div><div class="series_post_id">'.$id.'</div><div class="series_inline_name">'.$series_name.'</div></div>';
    				$column_content .= '<em>'.__('No Series', $orgseries->org_domain).'</em></div>';
    				echo $column_content;
    function orgSeries_custom_manage_posts_filter() {
    	global $orgseries;
    	$series_name = '';
    	if (isset($_GET['series'])) $series_name = $_GET['series'];
    	wp_dropdown_series('show_option_all='.__('View all series', $orgseries->org_domain).'&hide_empty=0&show_count=0&selected='.$series_name);
    function add_series_management_link() {
    	global $orgseries;
    	$link = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/edit.php?page=' .  SERIES_DIR . '/orgSeries-manage.php';
    	<li><a href="<?php echo $link; ?>"><?php _e('Manage All Series', $orgseries->org_domain); ?></a></li>
    function add_series_to_right_now() {
    	global $orgseries;
    	$num_series = wp_count_terms('series');
    	$num = number_format_i18n( $num_series );
    	$text = _n( 'Series', 'Series', $num_series, $orgseries->org_domain );
    	$manage_link = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=series';
    	if ( current_user_can( 'manage_series' ) ) {
    		$series_num = "<a href='$manage_link'>$num</a>";
    		$series_text = "<a href='$manage_link'>$text</a>";
    	echo '<tr>';
    	echo '<td class="first b b-tags">'.$series_num.'</td>';
    	echo '<td class="t tags">' . $series_text . '</td>';
    	echo '<td></td><td></td></tr>';
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