• Resolved ulicgn


    Due to ongoing import problems (separate issue) I am forced to fix up events in large batches. The ORM documentation at


    has some basic code examples for tasks like this that look promising.

    However, this does not work as expected when it comes to modifying events. See the following example , the most basic thing I can think of – modifying ONE field of ONE event ( simple non-recurring event )

    #checking out and changing the title of a tec event ,
    # using provisional and real ID 
    #wp shell
    wp> tribe_events()->where( 'id',31444)->pluck('category');
    => array(1) {
    string(0) ""
    # note this result is wrong, as the event has a category assigned
    # now checking the titles:
    wp> tribe_events()->where( 'id',31444)->pluck('post_title');
    => array(1) {
    string(17) "Fat Freddy's Drop"
    wp> tribe_events()->where( 'id',10001111)->pluck('post_title');
    => array(1) {
    string(17) "Fat Freddy's Drop"
    # Updating the titles:
    wp> $updated = tribe_events()->where( 'id', 10001111)->set( 'title', 'YYY FAT FREDDY' )->save();
    => array(1) {
    wp> $updated = tribe_events()->where( 'id', 31444)->set( 'title', 'YYY FAT FREDDY' )->save();
    => array(1) {
    wp> $updated = tribe_events()->where( 'id', 9999999)->set( 'title', 'YYY FAT FREDDY' )->save();
    => array(0) {
    # ok - using a nonexistant ID has an empty result, using the existing IDs has a true result.
    # now check the changed events for the new title
    wp> tribe_events()->where( 'id',10001111)->pluck('post_title');
    => array(1) {
    string(17) "Fat Freddy's Drop"
    wp> tribe_events()->where( 'id',31444)->pluck('post_title');
    => array(1) {
    string(17) "Fat Freddy's Drop"
    # bummer ... nothing changed. 

    Is the documentation up-to-date? What else could be the cause for this simple example to fail? I am posting it here since I assumed this is a function of the free plugin version. If not, let me know and I will create a pro version support ticket.



    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hey @ulicgn,

    Thanks for reaching out to us and let’s see if I can get you some answers here!

    The save() function of our ORM is currently not working and we have a bug ticket for that, #BTRIA-2310. Sorry I could not give you better news regarding that.

    It looks like the array produced by tribe_events() does not have a ‘category’ field. You can check the fields in the array with tribe_events()->where( 'id', 31444 )->all();

    The following function, tribe_get_event_cat_slugs(?$post_id?), should work to get an event’s category slug(s) and worked for me with the normal and provisional IDs.

    Hope this helps! ??

    With best and kindest regards,
    Johnny B

    Thread Starter ulicgn


    Hi John,

    thanks for clarifying. And far as I could see, delete() seems to be broken, too, at least when using provisional IDs.

    Having to fix a not-working import with not-working ORM methods does not make my life easier, so I really depend on your help here since we have Events on a live site that have to be fixed by assigning a category and author.

    Regarding the category field from my example – I saw the field name in the save( ) documentation, but I am sure there are other ways to find events without a category and assign them a category like in

    $updated = tribe_events()
        ->where( 'id', 12345 )
        ->set( 'category', [ 11,22 ] )

    Since ORM’s save() does not work, what is your recommendation for the following task:

    1. Find/Enumerate Events that have no author or no category ( this often happens when importing CSV with aggregator)
    2. Get the content of a custom field ( lets call it “_rawdata”, created with TEC and filled upon import) where we store some metadata in plain text. Opposed to author and category assignment, the content of this field is imported fine from CSV in most cases.
    3. From the data in our field, we deduct the target category and the author, so once we have those we need to assign author and category to the event and finally save it.

    We are open to work on any level that may serve as a workaround until the ORM is fixed – so we could use a custom plugin, WP-CLI / wp shell commands or we also could manipulate the Database directly, but whatever we do we need your guidance what would have to be done. Note that I am not expecting complete working code, but at least pointers to those functions/features/methods that are not broken and will work for this task.


    Hey @ulicgn,

    So, I looked into this and did some testing and this is the best advice I have based on what I found:

    1. You can query events with tribe_get_events(). I found that I could not use post_author as a query argument with tribe_get_events(), so I did a foreach loop on the array of “event” objects that results from the query. It then worked for me to check if each event object had a post_author and to use tribe_get_event_cat_ids() to see if the category is empty for the event.
    2. To get your data ‘_rawdata’, if I understand this correctly, I think you would need to use get_post_meta() somewhere in the foreach loop.
    3. To update events, you should be able to use tribe_update_event() and to update terms, you should be able to use wp_set_post_terms(). I could not find any function we have to update event categories.

    I understand that using all these functions may not be optimal and that you may already have considered something like this. Alternatively, you could also use our REST API to get and update events: https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/introduction-to-the-events-calendar-rest-api/


    Thread Starter ulicgn


    Hello @jdbeacham,

    thanks for your suggestions! Regarding the content of my custom field, the key to retrieve it with get_post_meta() is autogenerated, in my case it was _ecp_custom4 , not my given field name “_rawdata”. But yes, it did work this way.

    Regarding wp_set_post_terms(31028,’Konzerte’,’tribe_events_cat’,true) and tribe_update_event() – that did not work for me. See reports at:
    https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/programatically-create-and-update- events/ for another example.

    So what is the current status of methods to change/update existing events programatically ?



    Plugin Support Darian


    Hi @ulicgn

    At present, the save() feature is not functioning as intended due to the need for an update to the new custom tables that resulted from the 6.x update. Our developers are aware of this issue and have created an internal ticket [BTRIA-2310] to delve deeper into the matter and come up with a solution.

    We prioritize bugs by taking into consideration the number of users impacted as well as how the bug impacts one’s ability to run an event/sell tickets. I don’t have a specific timeline as to when this issue will be resolved, but trust that our team is aware. Our team communicates updates and bug fixes in our newsletter and via our changelog.

    I’m happy to help if any other questions are coming up around this topic, otherwise I’ll go ahead and close this ticket.

    Internal Bug Ticket Reference: BTRIA-2310

    Hello @d0153

    Is there please any progress with save() function not working as expected? We are stuck with this problem too and we didn’t find any suitable workaround.

    Plugin and its modules are not exactly cheap so we’d expect such basic things to work. Your last message was three months ago which should be very generous timeframe to fix such a minor issue.

    Thanks, Jakub

    Hi there,

    Currently stuck with the same issue, events are created in the dashboard but not showing up unless manually edited and saved… I don’t know what to do: either revert to TEC 5.X or waiting for a solution for this?

    On a side note I also tested the add-on plugin but can’t even import anymore (using wp all import) with a message error:


    [] TEC – Not supported post type. Skipping.

    Thread Starter ulicgn


    @eventsbtz I never used 5.x, but from what I read on several forum threads things must have been much less complex back then. The same is true for using WP-all-import which did work for some people before 6.x.

    I would not recommend going back though, given that meanwhile WordPress and PHP versions have evolved and you might run into other problems.

    So we are doomed to wait until this functionality is fixed and works as documented with their new table structure.

    As stated in Darians response, the number of users impacted is a factor for prioritizing, so all you can do is to report the problems that you are facing so that they know.

    And, @d0153 , you also said that “how the bug impacts one’s ability to sell tickets” does matter for priority. I can tell you that all the bugs that keep us from regularly importing events from our ticket vendor (this one being one of them) are severely impacting our ticket sale commissions.

    So I am very interested about how things are going regarding BTRIA-2310



    Until the issue is fixed for 6.X i’m currently using the version 5 and at least events gets uploaded and displayed.
    I’m currently facing an other issue with locations though, events don’t have any locations set even though I have set _venueAddress _venueCity and _EventZip (using wpallimport plugin), but that’s an other story.

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