• Hi,
    I’m testing this for a Offroad community platform using wordpress, wtracks (for load/edit/save tracks) and Trackserver for Live sharing.

    I’ve tested this only Orux (donate and free) – and it seems that i’m stuck:
    1. configured trackserver , create sample post to show a track, everything is ok.
    2. create a test user with simple password, added the credentials in orux, as detailed in the docs
    3. when I start recording in orux, after a couple of seconds I have the “MapMyTracks: Unauthorized” messsage.

    Tested in browser the https://mydomain/mapmytracks/ and after I fill the user/pass, I have “errorunauthorised”.
    I’ve fixed this by elevating the user class from Subscriber to Author. (Is this mentioned in the docs ?)

    My slug:
    [tsmap user=@danb] – this displays the Europe map with no Play/Stop button, orux does not throw any errors
    [tsmap user=@danb track=live] – this displays the latest loaded track (and the only one)

    With both slugs, I can’t see the users location.

    What am I doing wrong ?

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