Hey there,
@jamestryon – thanks for the additional information. However, it’s always better to create your own thread and to crosslink, so that we can tackle each site separately. I’ll focus on @mrimpact’s question further.
So here’s an example product:
* T-shirt (variable product)
* 2 variations based on color
— Red, with stock of 2
— Green, with stock of 1
If we sell one red t-shirt, the stock will drop to 1, which still matches. However, I’m understanding that after the stock drops, the entire variable product is set to out of stock
– is that correct?
To confirm, is the Inventory > Manage stock option enabled?

Link to image: https://cld.wthms.co/FIkZqG
I’m asking all of these questions so that I can test the behavior on my end.
I ended up choosing a quick way, not the best, I went back all the sites to an earlier version, which were working very well.
I’m glad you found a workaround! In the case of 3.5.5 > 3.6.x, this is fine. please do note that it may cause trouble if there have been database updates, so be careful with this in the future.