hello dear friend, good day dear Alphax,
first of all: many many thanks for the heads up. I am glad that you tell us this.
perhaps some of the responsible ppl can have a closer look at this.
btw:the wp-job-manager is obviously one of the defacto-standard plugins in its category. And certainly one of the most sustainable developed plugin in its class.
i love it: and we have a bunch of great snippets and code-extensions: see for example here: https://wpjobmanager.com/customization-snippets/
Note: All code examples on this site are provided for developer reference/guidance only and we cannot guarantee that they will always work as expected. Our support policy does not include assistance with modifying or debugging code from any code examples, and they may be changed or removed if we find they no longer work due to changes in our plugins.
This page consists of all the customization snippets we have so far. We may occasionally add new ones and we encourage everyone to also send their own snippets to us! If you add a customization that you think will benefit others, get in touch with us via our Support form. The more snippets we put on this page, the more it will be useful for everyone!
– Change the From: name in the Job Alert notification
– Change the From: email in the Job Alert notification
– Remove the “My Packages” section from My Account
– Specify language to use for geocoding
– Add Underline button to the TinyMCE editor toolbar
– Add Job ID to Job Meta
– Send email to candidate when resume is approved
– Count Bookmarks
– Change “Bookmark this Job” to “Save this Job”
– Use alternative login page
– Redirect when an application is submitted
– Redirect when a resume is submitted
– Increase HTTP timeout to 30 seconds
– Remove “Listing Expires” column from Job Dashboard
– Deregister application.js
– Change default new role in WooCommerce
– Add e-mail setting field to WPJM Resume
see here: https://wpjobmanager.com/customization-snippets/
for a lots of other snippets more…
that said: well Alphax – i hope that some of the ppl will take a closer look at the documentation. This would be great if we have a re-newed and sustainably developed documentation.
note: we allready have a global community of Wp-job-manaer-users – a community that is scattered all over the world. So we need to have good support and documentation – to enhance and unleash the further sustainable development.
keep up the great project – it rocks!