• Resolved jkjkjk


    I created a custom attribute #_ATT{produktion} and added a value in event edit screen.
    Now i would like to output an event list in a post template with all events which have a specific value on that attribute.
    How would one do this?

    I tried following code but with no success:

    if (class_exists('EM_Events')) {
        echo EM_Events::output_grouped( array('event_attributes'=> array('produktion'=> '85')) );
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  • Thread Starter jkjkjk


    i tried to just use it the custome event attribute as a attribute in shortcode like so:

    [events_list_grouped mode="monthly" date_format="F Y" produktion="XY"][/events_list_grouped]

    only show events with the attribute “produktion” and the value “XY”

    but it doesnt work…

    any ideas?

    Plugin Support angelo_nwl



    at the moment search attribute for custom event attributes is not currently available out of the box.

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