• Just FYI: I am reposting this here, from the How To and Troubleshooting area to see if I can get a response to it, as I do need to continue working on the project I am doing, but have to wait on the reply to this to go any further…

    Okay… I have a very unique situation… For security, and design constraints I want to use a seperate file to handle incomming data, and have it process it, then add it to the DB, for another file, that is built into the main portion of my planned plugin to read from the DB and handle the display creation, etc… But there in lies my problem… Since this file is called by itself, there is no DB connection for it, as there is for anything called via WP’s addon system… What would be the easiest way to get a DB connection for it, preferably from WP itself, since I would like to keep the DB calls consistent, and just use the features from WP’s DB class to handle them?

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  • Thread Starter Knight Vash


    I would delete the other whooami, but I don’t have the authority to delete my own posts, and the issue for me is a time critical one, hence why I came to the forums here…

    thats right, you dont, and you dont need to anyway. that other thread is in the right area, and there is NOTHING wrong with it.

    as for time critical, no-one here cares. I dont say that to be bitchy, but your time issues are your time issues, not anyone’s here, and they dont justify crossposts. Fot that matter, everyone that posts here believes their problem is time critical, or important, or whatever.

    this is a volunteer supported forum, things get answered when they get answered. some things go unanswered. thats the way it goes when you are soliciting free support.

    Thread Starter Knight Vash


    Aside from this being ever growing off topic, of the question I posed, dare I ask if you are a mod here? If not, aside from freedom of speach, what gives one the right to even throw stones / critize others, if they felt after they posted something that it would do better posted elsewhere, and wished they could move / re-do their post in another section? Unlike you though I am not here for post count or personal glory…

    I am here to figure out the solution to a problem, and if in doing so, I see a post from another person, on any topic for that matter, that I can assist with I answer, otherwise, I keep queit so not to come across as making personal attacks or such on people, just because I don’t like their thoughts or motives… It’s called common courtesy and respect… But alas, not all share my outlook and will do otherwise anyways…

    I won’t be dragged into such any futher then this, so… *Waves* Have a good day whooami… Any further posts from you, unless of importance to the topic / information I am seeking, will be summarily ignored by me, as it is my right to do…

    if they felt after they posted something that it would do better posted elsewhere, and wished they could move / re-do their post in another section?

    and you were criticized where?

    oh wait – you werent. nuff said. on the other hand you seem to have quite a bit that’s personal to say about me.

    Unlike you though I am not here for post count or personal glory…

    blah blah blah..

    If you dont want to be admonished than dont create duplicate threads. it makes you look impatient and petulant, regardless of your actual intent. And by your own admission, you are impatient. so where exactly am I wrong in my assessment of you?

    oh wait. I wasnt.

    Thread Starter Knight Vash


    Okay, everyone, now that I have set up a temp filter in FF to screen out a certain individual’s posts (I hate using JS for such trivals), would any one like to take a stab at the ORIGINAL topic of this thread? Creating a new DB connect, in a support file for a plugin, that uses $wpdb, but is standalone, seperate from the connect in WP, since the file is called seperately, and not from within any WP page, or other plugin file?

    Duplicate…continue discussion here:

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