G’day thelondonsalad,
You’re bumping up against Google’s API quota limits. By having so many maps on the page using address lookup, your address queries are being rejected after a number.
This plugin tries to mitigate those limits by running address queries on the server, and caching for one week. However, your page has so many maps that the server-side address queries are also hitting the quotas (there’s a per-second limit on address lookups) so only some of the maps on that page have been cached. The rest get resolved in the browser, and that’s where you’re getting the pop-up warning.
I suspect that you also have page caching (generally a good idea), which is preventing the uncached address queries from getting rerun on the server. i.e. page caching in this instance means that map address caching hits its limit and stays there.
I currently don’t have any mitigation for this in the browser JavaScript; I plan to add it, but it’s not there yet. It would require staggering the address queries, perhaps queuing them up once they hit the query limit. One day, but not yet.
In the meantime, there are a couple of options I can recommend.
1. Premium Plan
Google has a Premium Plan that increases your quota. No, I don’t know what it costs — you can discuss with Google. If you go this path, let me know and I’ll give you some code for adding your API key to the API script URL.
2. Add coordinates to the maps
You are hitting the query quota because your maps are all specified by address, without coordinates. That means each map needs an address query to get the coordinate first, before it can render the map. I do that server side first, with fallback to JavaScript. If you can specify the coordinates for the maps, there will be no address query and you won’t hit that query quota.
So there it is! Let me know if I can help further.