• My site is overloaded with spam. In the space of three hours today alone, Askimet logged over 1,500 spam. There is also a lot of spam getting through as legitimate comments. When I look at the monthly logs, there has been a spike in the amount of spam I get each month up from 5,000 a few months ago to now on average between 20k and 30k.

    As I mentioned, I have Askimet installed and I added the code to my .htaccess file to reduce spam but I haven’t noticed a drop in the intensity of spam. I wouldn’t care since Askimet catches most of it but I feel that it is hammering my site loading times. Every few days my average pageload speeds spikes from an average of 2-3 seconds to over 15 seconds. Sometimes it gets as high as 45 seconds.

    Any tips on what else I could be doing?

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  • Can you link (URL) to your site?

    Thread Starter cdgeog


    Yes – it’s https://www.gislounge.com

    Who hosts your site? Sometimes such problems can be from hosting environments.
    Also, try some of the plugins to stop spammers. Maybe, you will find one here: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/search.php?q=comment+spam

    Thread Starter cdgeog


    I use mediatemple. I will take a look at the link you provided. I tried Bad Behavior to work with Askimet but I noticed in the logs that it was blocking pagespeed so I had to uninstall it.

    Your WordPress directory is shown as https://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/h/www.gislounge.com/wp-content by some tools and some other tools show your hosting provider as Google. How did you setup that directory?

    Thread Starter cdgeog


    I am using Google page speed service (https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/). I didn’t set up the directory. My DNS record has been modified to add it as an origin host. It’s an optimization service provided by Google to speed up web pages.

    just somebody use xrummer and your site got into their bases,
    try use recaptcha

    It’s an optimization service provided by Google to speed up web pages.

    But I find your site running slow. Try removing it and reset your DNS to what it was and see if the problem persists.

    Thread Starter cdgeog


    It is definitely not the pagespeed. I have run webspeed tests with and without it running. Also, my average daily page speeds have gone done since I signed up for the service. Something else is slowing down my site periodically and since I am baraged by so much spam I am wondering what it is. I may shut off the ability to add comments on my site and see if that makes a difference.

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