• In “class-egf-register-options.php”, EGF has the following public static function:

    public static function get_panels() {
    	$panels = array(
    		'tt_font_typography_panel' => array(
    			'name'        => 'tt_font_typography_panel',
    			'title'       => __( 'Typography', 'easy-google-fonts' ),
    			'priority'    => 10,
    			'capability'  => 'edit_theme_options',
    			'description' => __( 'Your theme has typography support. You can create custom font controls on the google fonts screen in the settings section.', 'easy-google-fonts' ),

    Without losing changes in an update, is there a way to override this code so that, instead of “‘title’ => __( ‘Typography‘, ‘easy-google-fonts’ ),” I have “‘title’ => __( ‘Easy Google Fonts‘, ‘easy-google-fonts’ ),”?
    Thanks in advance!


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