Thanks so much for your response. The theme was updated recently, and unfortunately I have not found a solution. None of the older ones seem to apply.
In the past I was able to insert copied code (I’m a novice) in the function.php file that overrode it, but since the recent update that no longer seems to work.
The code I was able to customize the footer with by inserting in the function.php file in the past was:
add_filter(‘tc_credits_display’, ‘my_custom_credits’);
function my_custom_credits(){
$credits = ”;
$newline_credits = ”;
return ‘
<div class=”span4 credits”>
<p>· © YOUR SITE NAME GOES HERE · All Rights Reserved ·</p> </div>’;
In case it helps, the following code is in the footer.php file, which I suspect may have something to do with it, but I have been afraid to tinker with it. Any suggestions?
do_action( ‘__before_footer’ ); ?>
<!– FOOTER –>
<footer id=”footer” class=”<?php echo czr_fn__f(‘tc_footer_classes’, ”) ?>”>
<?php do_action( ‘__footer’ ); // hook of footer widget and colophon?>
</div><!– //#tc-page-wrapper –>
do_action( ‘__after_page_wrap’ );
wp_footer(); //do not remove, used by the theme and many plugins
do_action( ‘__after_footer’ ); ?>
<?php do_action( ‘__after_body’ ); ?>
Many thanks
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by